Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bed Time

My first camping trip was fun. I even slept the entire night. When do we get to go again??

Cassie's Sturgeon

Just before dark we hooked a giant sturgeon. Cassie reeled it in, and she let me get a picture with it. Wow, that fish is huge! Do I get to reel the next one in?

Mom's Gun

Mom brought her new .17 caliber gun that she won last fall at the Ducks Unlimited banquet. Its never been shot before. It only took Mom 5 shots sight it in and hit the bullseye. Good job Mom! The gun isn't very loud since its such a small caliber, but Mom made me wear ear muffs anyhow. She even put them on too. Who says we can't start our own fashion statement!

Camping Trip

We're going camping on the Snake River to fish for sturgeon. Dad hooked the Hillbilly Hilton to the truck and we met Josh and Cassie with their Clampitt Condo for the trip. Wow - my first camping trip ever! Mom says it is a trial run for our planned camping trip into the mountains over the 4th of July. Sounds like fun to me!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Mom and I got up early and made Dad breakfast before he went to work. He even got Father's day presents! A new Carhartt sweatshirt, a turkey call, and a new coffee cup. The coolest gifts for the best Dad ever!

Card Night

Jeremy and Miranda came over last night to play Euchre. Dad wasn't winning any tricks, so I thought I'd help him out. Mom and Dad would have won the game, but I had to go to bed before they finished. Next time they should start playing cards earlier! Dad made a deal with Miranda to climb Mt. Borah. Mom and Jeremy said that one trip to the top of Mt Borah in their lifetime was enough. Now if I can just convince Mom that I can go along too.............

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My new Tatoo!

Dad brought me home a fish tattoo from work. Even Jetta liked it! Mom says its the only tattoo I'll ever get.......we'll see Mom!

Lunch with Dad

I got to eat lunch with Dad today when he came home from work. If Mom would just look the other way, I'm sure he would give me some of the apple crisp he is eating.......


Mom let me sit in my Bumbo today. I'm not sure what to think of it, but I have this cool dinosaur to sit by.

Circus Time!

Mom and Dad took me to the circus parking lot on Thursday night. We got there 30 minutes late and I was hungry! Mom fed me in the parking lot for another 30 minutes, then the circus was almost over! As a consolation prize, Mom and Dad took me out to eat at "El Cazador", the Mexican restaurant in Buhl. I'm still not sure what I got out of the deal.........

Monday, June 14, 2010

Carp Tournament

Dad and Jeremy met Uncle Will and Kevin in Twin Falls for the carp tournament on Sunday. Uncle Will had a secret spot picked out, but Dad and Jeremy decided to go off to a different one. Uncle Will's spot paid off, while Dad and Jeremy only got 7 fish all day. Mom and I met them at the weigh-in. Uncle Will and Kevin had four carp that weighed 92 pounds for second place and they won the biggest fish prize with a 31 pounder! Dad and Jeremy's four carp weighed 46 pounds for 13th place and they won the smallest fish prize with their 7 pounder. Dad tried to convince Will to buy me a pink bow and arrow set with his prize winnings, but his $119 check wouldn't cover the entire $150 price tag! Please Uncle Will......its only another $31.............

Free Fishing Day

Dad worked at Free Fishing Day on Saturday at the State Fish Hatchery. He was in charge of gutting trout for all the happy fisherman. Mom and I walked down to visit him. I wanted to hang out with Dad more, but Mom wouldn't let him touch me. She said he was head to toe fish guts! I wouldn't have minded.............

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mom playing photographer again...

What no cake?

We celebrated dad's birthday today(Sunday June 6th). Not sure what that silver thing is... but I want one too. Mom said shiny sparklie things are a good thing.

It rained again today so we BBQ'd in the garage. I wasn't getting any cake so I drank my milk and went inside where it was nice & warm. On my birthday I'm getting my own cake.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lazy rainy days

My foot cast

Mom made me a foot cast. It wasn't my first choice for "arts and crafts" time. But, I guess it wasn't that bad.....

What you looking at?

Hi From Harley

Just thought I'd say hi. Mom and Dad kept me busy all week, no time for blogging! But, its the weekend now - so I'm back............