Thursday, December 30, 2010

My New Savings Account

On Monday, we went to the bank so I could start a new saving account. I had fun playing with the rubber band ball on the banker's desk, but I'm not sure about the savings passbook I got. It doesn't look like much fun to play with!

Afterwards, Dad read me a book before bedtime. Dad - let me turn the pages!

Toys and Toys

I like toys!

I can almost stand!

I pulled myself up on my new toy today. I couldn't quite get onto the seat, but I did get myself up on my knees. I'll be walking soon - watch out!

New Blocks

Mom and Dad are making me blocks to play with. I got to help until Dad sent a block flying across the shop when it caught in the table saw. Then Mom and I waited outside! I wanted to help paint them, but Mom didn't think it was a good idea. Please, Mom!

The Day After

Now, everything is relative to my best day ever! Yesterday!

Dad, Mom, and I went pheasant hunting in the afternoon, but we didn't see any pheasants. Mom and Dad both tried to shoot a quail, but they both missed. I was getting kind of bored, and I feel asleep in my backpack. Ahh....dreaming of yesterday...........

Two more pics by the Tree

Mom wanted some pictures before I went to bed on my first Christmas. What a day!


We drove up the hill to Grandma Lori and Tom's house for dessert. Tom is nicknamed the "Godfather" at Dad's work because he was the Assistant Manager back when the steelhead program was first started. He's been retired for the past 15 years and lives just up the hill from the Hatchery.

I was starting to get really tired, but Grandma Lori's apple pie made me feel better.


We finally ate dinner at 4:30 pm. Mmmm.........I had sweet potatoes. Even Jetta liked her dinner. I'm feeling nappy....................


Since dinner is taking so long, Dad decided he could put together my wagon. I'm helping Dad, but he left all my toys outside the wagon. I like the wagon a lot more after Dad put my toys in here with me! Now if I could only get Jetta to pull me around......................

Dinner Time!

Mom and Dad decided to cook dinner. We were supposed to eat around noon, but its now 3pm and the ham still isn't done. Good thing the mashed potatoes are ready - I'm starving! Uncle Will and Kate got me a new bib. Sorry, but this is the last time you'll see it this clean!

Mom's Presents

Mom was pretty excited about her new boots - until she found out that Dad ordered the wrong size! What happened Dad? Mom's favorite gift was her pudgy pie maker from Jetta. What in the world is a pudgy pie maker??? I think Jetta and Dad were just buying gifts that they wanted!! Mom also got a new camouflage hat for our pheasant hunting trips with Jetta. I don't think her hat matches the scarf from Aunt Patty, but I don't think the pheasants will mind.

Dad's Presents

Wow - Dad got all kinds of neat stuff (no spatulas though :). His favorite gift was the half used bottle of sno seal boot wax that Uncle Will sent. Thanks for testing it out first - Uncle Will! Dad also got a new RNT duck call from Grandma and Grandpa. He was pretty excited. They make RNT calls in Stuttgart, Arkansas about 45 minutes from where Dad went to college. Mom also got Dad a new duck hunting coat and an elk decoy. Dad wanted to blow on his duck call all day, but Mom told him that I needed to take a nap. Aww Mom, Dad can blow on his call if I get to try it too! Dad also got a "Teach a Man to Fish" shirt from Aunt Patty and a game vest from Mom's family. Thanks guys!

Jetta's Present for Dad

Jetta gave Dad a bottle of Yellow Snow IPA. It was the only bottle of beer with a dog on it!

More Toys

I still like the spatula, but some of this other stuff looks interesting too!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Later!

I've got to go to Daycare today, I'll post more about Christmas later. Love ya! Harley

More Toys!

So many new toys. Dad said I should have asked Santa for a toy box. Mom thought we should teach generosity by giving all my old toys to charity. But Mom and Dad, I want all my toys! I really liked that Bongo drums from Jeremy and Miranda and the computer from Brandi, Jeff, and Samantha. I also liked the popcorn wheelie thing from Grandpa Eide and the spatulas from Grandma. Why does Mom keep trying to take my spatulas away?
Mom liked the Oshkosh overalls from Aunt Joan and Uncle Jeff and my cute outfit from Samantha.

Bath Toys and a Doll

Grandma Paulette got me new bath toys. Do you really think that will make me like baths, Grandma?? She also got me a new doll - I thought I was the only baby in the house! Mom let me wear Aunt Patty's scarf while I played with my new doll. The scarf was short lived, Mom took it back when I started tasting it!

Unwrapping my First Present

I finally got to unwrap my first present. Sheep in a Jeep from Aunt Joy, Uncle Dave, and cousin Harmony. Thank you! My Dad is going to read it to me later..........I'm having too much fun with wrapping paper to concentrate!

Jetta's Presents

I helped Jetta open her presents so Mom could put them away before I ate any! Wow - look at all the neat stuff that Jetta got. And it smells soooooo good. Can't I eat just one doggy bone, Mom?


Its finally here! I'm not sure I understand whey we have Christmas yet, but I'm really excited that Mom isn't telling me no when I touch all these pretty presents!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Mom and Dad are "camping" in the living room. How is Santa supposed to come down our chimney if Mom and Dad are sleeping under our tree? So many things to think sleepy........hmmmm......zzzzzzzzzzz............Goodnight!

Christmas Eve Baking

I helped Mom bake Chex Mix and make popcorn balls today. We had tons of fun! Afterwards we took some of our creations over to our neighbors, Jeremy and Miranda. Merry Christmas!

Dad's hunting trip

Dad went hunting this morning (Christmas Eve). He was really excited when he got home. He got a duck with two leg bands and one band had a $100 reward! Dad said it was an early Christmas present. Silly Daddy, Santa doesn't band ducks :)

Smile Mom

Mom had to tickle me for my weekly scrapbook photo so I would smile. I don't like the flash in my eyes so I look away when I see the camera now. Dad thought it would be funny if Mom got a taste of her own medicine. How do you like picture time, Mom? Looks like fun to me!

Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!

Mom, Dad, and I went pheasant hunting near our house next to the duck refuge on Wednesday. We saw 6 hen pheasants and more ducks than I could count. Geez Dad, maybe we should be hunting for something else!

Big Fish

The fish hatchery had to drain the ditch to Oster Lakes this week for repairs. This giant trout got stranded when the water left - even though there wasn't supposed to be any fish in the ditch! Wow - that's a big one! Can I play with it?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Radio Flyer

Grandma and Grandpa sent me a Radio Flyer wagon for Christmas. Sorry, it didn't come wrapped, but it will still be a surprise for me when Dad takes it out of the box! Mom and I played peek-a-boo over it. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
