Sunday, January 30, 2011

We're Moving!

Dad found out this week that he got a new job in Orofino, Idaho working at the Dworshak National Fish Hatchery. He'll be the Assistant Project Leader of the hatchery.

We are excited and nervous to move. Hagerman has been a great place to live and work. It will always be a fond memory for us!

The moving truck will arrive the week of March 14th to take us up to Orofino. It is about a 7 hour trip by car. We'll live in one of the Hatchery houses on the facility. Dworshak Hatchery raises about 2 million steelhead and over 1 million salmon and several thousand rainbow trout. They also spawn broodstock to supply eggs to the Clearwater Hatchery.

More to come...............Love, Harley


I now have 6 teeth and Mom and Dad think I'm getting more. I've been really cranky the past two days and I drool everywhere. Mom likened me to a slug because I leave a slimy trail everywhere I crawl. I'm not sure what a slug is, but I like chewing on things. Besides, Jetta slobbers everywhere and no one calls her a slug!

Mom and Dad are so used to sleeping all night, now they don't know what to do when I wake up twice during their sleep time! Ha! Mom and Dad didn't know how easy they had it!

Dad's ducks

Dad has been working on duck taxidermy the past two weeks. He finished 2 mallards and a merganser for Lance and a canvasback for Eric. When do I get to help, Dad?
Mom, Dad, Jeremy, and Miranda went to the Bucks and Bulls contest in Twin Falls this weekend. I stayed at Josh and Cassie's while they were gone. Dad's elk rack wasn't quite big enough to win any prizes in the archery division. He got 4th place with a P&Y gross score of 321 and a net of 309.
The auctioneer must have gotten to Mom, because she bought a Hoyt bow in the live auction (with Dad's help of course). Mom and Dad are going to the archery shop next week to get it set-up for Mom. Hey - where's my new bow and arrows?

Monday, January 24, 2011


Just me, hanging out in my Packer's outfit................Harley.

Packer Game

We watched the Packer game on Sunday. I can't believe they won! Wait, which team is the Packers and what is the superbowl??

Sausage Fest

Dad and Jeremy invited a their friends over to our house to make sausage this weekend. They ground and stuffed all the casings on Saturday and smoked the sausages on Sunday. Dad grilled duck breasts on the grill to feed the small army of sausage stuffers. I think they would have been done sooner if they didn't stop to take so many breaks and watch the Packer game!

Hangin out with Dad

Dad and I hung out all day Saturday while Mom was at work. I was crawling everywhere. I love climbing up on things to stand up, but I still need help sitting back down so I can crawl somewhere else.

Baby Powder

I'm helping Mom change diapers. Where is stuff supposed to go again?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Why do I have to sleep in a crib? What happens when I want to get out? Is anyone listening to me??

Bloggers Fired!

I'm thinking of firing my bloggers. They don't seem to keep up with my fast-paced life! Do you see any other bloggers out there? Now, if I could only get Jetta to open the door for me..............

A fish?

We finally caught a fish after what seemed like hours of fishing. Dad was so excited. Did we really drive all this way and sit on the ice for that little thing? I think I like playing with toys at home more than ice fishing!


Dad put out our tip-ups and then we sat in the ice shack and waited for a fish. Wow - we waited forever. Are you sure fish live under this ice?

Ice Fishing

We went ice fishing this weekend. It was so cold!! Jetta even ran away! She didn't run far though, we found her curled up in the ice shack. Silly Jetta!


Jetta and I were playing with toys. I think I play nicer than Jetta!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My First Duck

We went duck hunting tonight with Jetta. It was so cold. Dad said the cold weather makes the ducks fly better. Dad got one duck. Actually Jetta is the one that jumped in the water and got it. Dad just stood on the bank and shot his gun. I don't understand hunting........

New Year's Puzzle

Okay - so Mom and Dad worked on this after I went to bed, but I am in the picture. Wasn't this supposed to be a Christmas puzzle? Can I take it apart now?

Happy New Years!

We celebrated New Years at 12:00 am Greenwich Time. Wow - its already 2011 in England! Time for bed already?? What? I thought I got a later bedtime in 2011!

Getting Ready for New Year's

Mom told me that we would have champagne for New Year's. WHAT! You expected me to drink my champagne (water) out of this sippy cup! I want a real glass.........what Mom? You said it's upside down? Stop telling me what to do, this is how Harley drinks out of glasses!

Just another Inch.....

Why doesn't Mom let me play with the fun stuff?

My New Trick

Wow Mom, you thought putting food in my mouth was fun - now I know how to send it back out!!