Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fearless Guide

Never fear, Harley is here! I'll guide you through the corn maze!

Vandals Combine

My future office................

Come here, Mom

Come on Mom, go through the tunnel already!

Wesley and I

Wesley and I led Mom and Dad around the corn maze in Lewiston. Good thing we were along - they would have been lost without us. Wesley even taught me how to stomp in mud puddles - as if I needed to be taught! We were both soaked by the time we got out.

Corn Maze

We met Charlene and Wesley at the corn maze on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Dad even bought us elephant ears after we finished.

Joe Vandal

Okay, where is Boise State now? I'm ready for them!

Fishing with Papa Rick

Dad and I went fishing with Papa Rick last weekend while Mom went to Lewiston. We caught some bass, but not the state record. Dad went fishing without me on Monday with Rick Allain and caught a bunch of smallmouth bass. We ate fish all week!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hi everyone! It was a fun week settling back into our house after a week away. This week was also really cold!! It rained for 4 days straight! Saturday was nice, Dad and I went fishing with Rick while Mom went to Lewiston. We caught smallmouth bass in Dworshak Reservoir and Mom was really happy shopping!

Dad tried to find a turkey on Friday, but all he got was wet. He and Scott (co-worker's husband) got really close to 4 gobblers, but they spotted Dad sneaking up to the edge of the wheat field - whoops!

Tomorrow deer season opens for Dad (Mom's tag doesn't start for another week). Dad is going in the morning - maybe he'll finally get something!

Canning Pears

We canned pears tonight. I tried to help by washing the floor with Jetta's water dish. WHAT? It seemed like I was helping at the time!


Is it Halloween yet? I'm practicing so I can ride around the block. Our neighbor, Rick, said he saw snow on Friday! I guess we'll have to make a snow plow for my tricycle!


You can't find me in here!


Look out, here I come!

Trying on Shoes

Mom, are you sure these aren't my size?Add Image If you gave them to me, you'd have a reason to go look for more shoes!

Washing Dishes

Mom, what are you doing up there? Wait, this stuff doesn't taste like ice cream! Yuck!

Mowing the Lawn

Hey Dad! Are you sure Mom said this was okay?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Peeling Apples

After we got home, Mom decided we should peel apples from our tree. Jetta and I had a great time sharing the apple cores when Mom wasn't looking! Afterwards, we put all the cores and pieces in a pile in our front yard. Sure enough, the next night, 6 deer showed up to eat the apples and we watched them through our window until Jetta barked at them!

Dad, the next time you change my diaper, try to remember to button my onesie before pulling up my pants!

The Pumpkin Patch

Before we left to go home, Mom made sure we stopped at the pumpkin patch. I'm not sure what you do with these gourds, but I think I'd like to take all of them home!

Mom's Antelope

Mom, Dad, Jeremy, and Josh went antelope hunting on Monday, September 26th while I stayed with Grandma Lori.

Mom hunted most of the day before she finally got her antelope. She was really excited!

Dad and Josh used a decoy to bring the antelope running to within 60 yards. Mom did a great job not losing her nerves and made a perfect shot with the .270 rifle we borrowed from Rick.

Congratulations Mom! When do I get to go antelope hunting?

Picking Plums

When dad returned to Hagerman, we stayed with Lori and Tom Shaw - my adopted Grandparent's in Hagerman. Tom was the Assistant Hatchery Manager at Hagerman since time began - and was nicknamed the hatchery "Godfather" by the current crew.

Mom, Dad, and Tom visited Jill Joseph (our old neighbor) to pick some plums while I took a nap. Dad, are you sure you should be that far up the ladder?

The ones that got away....

Where was this one when we were looking?

Hey Rocky, get over here........

Bullwinkles' buddy....

Hi there!

Are our tags good for this one too?

Dad had some trail camers posted around the elk woods......

Dad's Elk Trip

Dad finally returned after what seemed like forever and met us in Hagerman. He and all his friends (8 total) didn't get a single elk. Geez Dad, maybe you should take up golf!

They did find a crashed airlplane in mountains! Turned out that it crashed on May 14, 1966 - wow that was a long time before my birthday!

Dad and his friends did pass up 6 cow elk, 1 spike elk, and missed an opportunity on a 6 point bull. Sounds like you guys had plenty of chances! I guess you just like the taste of tag soup!

Fun Food!

I got to eat lots of great things on our trip to Hagerman. I really liked the corn on the cob at Josh and Cassies' house!

Trip to Hagerman

Dad went elk hunting so Mom and I travelled to Boise to visit Carolyn, Sophie, and Dana. We had a blast - how about you, Dad?