Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Birthday Card for Grandpa

Shhh...........I'm writing a Birthday Card for Grandpa - its going to be a surprise!

The Leaves are Falling

Its finally Fall! Well, at least the leaves started falling - we already had snow this week so I think it might be winter!

It was 21 degrees on Tuesday morning and every leaf on the Ash trees by our house fell by noon. It was snowing leaves!


Dad was so excited to buy me my first Happy Meal. He said it was a right of passage and that I would love them forever.

First, I couldn't figure out where to stick my fork into the smiling box. Then I got it open and Dad and I found out that Happy Meals have changed - who smiles for apples anyhow? Jeez Dad, I thought you said Happy Meals were the best thing ever? I think I'll stick with Mom's cooking after all.

Poor Jetta

Jetta doesn't like her new house. She says its cold in there. When she comes inside, she just wants to lay on the couch next to the fire and watch the Outdoor Channel. Don't worry Jetta, you can stay in my room - its warm there!

My Growth Chart

Mom finished painting my growth chart this week. When do we get to measure up, Mom?

Grandma's Package

I got a package from Grandma Paulette this week. Wow! Cheerios - my favorite!

Jetta's House

Dad finally finished Jetta's house this weekend. He had to go back to the Hardware store twice to get more plywood!

Building Jetta's House

Our new house.....

Haha Jetta - I get to go back inside! Wait, don't leave me out here!

Consoling Jetta

Mom said Jetta needs a new house. Jetta likes it in our house. Mom and I told Jetta that it will be okay, we won't be far away.

Don't worry Jetta, when I get my new bed, I'll sneak out and let you into my room!

Trike Ride

I'm ready to go - we should get a snowplow for this thing!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm going to have a baby sister!

Mom found out yesterday that she is having a baby girl! Mom, she won't be as cute as me, will she? Her due date is somewhere between February 18-22nd. Just before my 2nd birthday. See you then, sis!

Tired Mom

Mom seems tired lately, I think it is because Dad figured out how the wood stove works. Every time our living room gets above 75 degrees, Mom takes a nap!

Dad's Taxidermy Projects

Dad also worked on taxidermy projects this weekend. He finished a sage grouse and boiling his deer skull.

Hangin out with Dad and Jetta

This weekend I hung out with Dad while Mom went shopping in Lewiston. On Saturday, we went over to Cassie and Bryce's house for a late Halloween party. I got to dress up as Sweet Pea again! Of course, I'm sooooo sweet, its not hard to do!

Mom made eyeball eggs for the Halloween party. They are sooooo gross, but I like eating them!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Lines? There are lines in coloring books? What fun is that!

No Pictures Please

Can't you see I'm busy here!

Hurry Up

Hurry up, Dad. We don't want those other kids to get all the candy!

Stop Taking my Hat

Hey Popeye! You already have a hat! Leave mine alone!

Trick or Treat

Do you have any animal crackers here? Candy? What is that?

Halloween Costumes

On Halloween we drove back to Orofino to go trick or treating. I think we had the best costumes ever!

Miranda's Buck

They day after Mom got her deer, Dad and Jeremy took Miranda out deer hunting. She got here buck in the same spot as Dad and Jeremy! Wow, this deer hunting stuff is pretty easy!

Dad's Deer

After Mom got her deer in the morning, Jeremy and Dad decided to go deer hunting around the Hagerman Hatchery. All the stars must have aligned, because they also got bucks!

Mom's Deer!

On Day 8, Mom decided that it was her last day of hunting. Jeremy took Mom and Dad to his secret bear hunting spot. On the drive in, they spotted a nice buck in the headlights. After it got light out, they snuck to the edge of the canyon and Mom spotted a buck crossing the creek bottom. Dad ranged the buck at 400 yards and Mom found just enough time when the buck paused to make the shot.

Mom's first deer! when do I go?

More Mom Hunting

On day five of Mom's hunting trip, we took the morning off and Mom and I hung out. Dad went pheasant hunting with Josh and didn't get anything! In the afternoon, I stayed with Adam and Kim and Mom and Dad went with Steve and Tyler for a jeep ride. They spotted one small forkhorn buck, but nothing bigger.

On Day 6, Mom and Dad went out by themselves again in the morning. Mom passed another buck up at 50 yards - it was a good decision, because at the next glassing spot, Mom spotted a giant buck across the canyon. This was the one they had been after all week. The buck slipped into a small canyon to bed down for the day and Mom and Dad made their move. However, after an hour of stalking, the buck had vanished from the canyon! Mom was bummed, Dad was even more bummed! They both came back to hang out with me for the rest of the day.

On Day 7, Mom and Dad went back to look for the giant buck. They saw lots of deer and Mom missed a shot at a nice buck at 125 yards. She forgot to dial her scope back to "zero" and the bullets sailed harmlessly over the buck's back. Dad reminded Mom that "Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition is costly!" Later in the afternoon, Mom and Dad made a stalk on a really wide buck to 400 yards. Dad wanted Mom to get closer, but at 275 yards, the buck spotted them and headed off into the sunset. Sorry Mom!

Mom Hunting

The second day of Mom's hunting trip, Jeremy, Dad and Josh went hunting with Mom. They hunted all day, but only saw does. Finally, on the drive home, they spotted a buck in the headlights of the truck - the only buck of the day. Mom told me she was starting to think the buck on day one was looking better!

On day three, Mom and Dad went with Eric and Rich to the secret spot. Mom and Dad made a stalk at Fir Grove on a pretty nice buck, but he spotted them before they got close enough for the shot. After that buck, Mom passed up another buck at 80 yards that just wasn't quite big enough to be a wall hanger.

On the fourth day, Mom and Dad went by themselves to Fir Grove and spotted the same buck from Day three. Unfortunately, he slipped away again and earned the nickname "Nemesis Buck".

Mom's Hunting Trip

We all drove to Hagerman last week for Mom's mule deer hunting trip. Mom drew a tag in Unit 45 to hunt mule deer bucks. We stayed at Jeremy and Miranda's all week and Miranda took me to daycare in Wendell while Mom and Dad went hunting. Mom stuck with hunting for 8 days and even passed up several small bucks on the quest for a giant.

Here is a picture of the buck she passed on the first night of hunting at 20 yards.