Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a fantastic Christmas! I opened tons of gifts and we spent the afternoon at our friends, Scott and Angela's for Christmas dinner. I ate lots of food and stayed up too late!

We hope everyone else had a great Christmas too! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love, Harley

Sausage Fest?

Mom and Dad took a break from Christmas to make antelope bologna. Mom said she liked the old sausage fest parties - those are the ones that she stayed upstairs with the girls while the boys played with the icky sausage casings!

So many gifts!

I must be the luckiest little girl, ever! Now, I need to call my girlfriends to let them know all the loot I scored!

Dad's Goofy

Really, Dad? Someone could see you wearing those!

More Presents!

Thanks - more noise makers to keep Mom and Dad awake!

So many layers to unwrap........

And a new blanket!!!

And a baby stroller for my baby! Thanks!!!

Jetta's Presents

Don't look so sad Jetta, I know you went duck hunting last Christmas - maybe you can go again next year..........

What's in there?

Is it something good, Dad?

Grandpa Don's Present

Thanks Grandpa Don! Can you start saving for a Mustang for my 16th birthday now? Pretty please with sugar on top............

For Me?

Really for me? How does it go forward? What? A crash helmet?

Can I open my eyes yet?

What am I sitting on?

Christmas Morning

Nobody told me the Santa Claus was coming last night - wow! Who parked in our living room?


When do we get to open these presents?

Jetta's Surgery

Jetta went under the knife last Tuesday. Jetta tore her Cruciate ligament on the Dad's famed 84 duck-day in Hagerman. Dad said, if nothing else, it was a one heck of a grand finale for the season!

Luckily, the vet told Mom and Dad it would only take $450 and 6 weeks to make Jetta better again. Dad said something about returning my Christmas presents, but Mom said his gun collection would make better collateral - that made Dad change his tune in a hurry!

Jetta got a new bandage. I thought the vet should have wrapped it in Red - to fit the Christmas season. Now she is confined to the house and trips outside on the leash for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Do you want to sleep in my bed, Jetta?

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Look at all the Christmas cookies we made tonight!

I didn't do it.....

Really? I don't think this was all my mess!


Flour isn't that tasty..............

What you looking at?

I hardly spilled any!

Christmas Cookies

I helped Mom and Dad make cookies tonight. Are you sure we are supposed to use this much flour, Dad? I'm going to tell Grandma on you!

Mom's Hat

I put this one on by myself. Don't make me smile at you :-)

Helping Mom

Does anyone know any good work songs?

Reindeer Ears

Do these ears make my head look big?

Shopping Practice

I'm starting my training for next year's Black Friday!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Almost Christmas!

I'm so excited for Christmas! Thanks to all of you that sent huge boxes already!! We visited Santa Claus this weekend. Mom said this was supposed to be a picture with him. Are you kidding? I'm not getting my picture taken with that stranger. Think again, Mom!

I screamed so much the picture taking guy just said, "Better luck next year, hohoho!"

Dad had to restrain Mom, so she didn't teach me French. Merry Xmas!#$#@

Patty Cake

Patty-cake, Mom - not blow-cake!

Dad Reading

Dad reading me a book.........

Reading With Mom

Mom reading me a book.....

Pics From BC

Dad showed us some pictures from Victoria, British Columbia. Looks nice, Dad - sure you couldn't find me anything besides that hat that makes me look like a Dr. Seuss character?

Dad's Home Again!

Dad came home again!! He said he brought me a present - he better have after being gone for two weeks!!

I looked all over in this box for the present before he told me it was on my head. Are you kidding me? You got me a hat with NWFCC (Northwest Fish Culture Conference) stenciled on it that I won't be able to wear until I'm 10! I'm calling Santa Claus!

Sleeping in my New Bedroom

While Dad is gone, Mom and I have been practicing sleeping in my new bedroom. I don't like it! I like my new room, but I want to sleep in my crib, not this big bed thing!

Mom is near the end of her rope - hopefully Dad comes home soon!