Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Baby Sister is almost here!

Mom got back from the doctor last week with some bad news! Her doctor, Ms. Robinson, is going on vacation the last week of February. Since Mom's due date is February 25th, she might miss the delivery of my new sister! Silly doctors, don't they know they shouldn't take vacations?

The doctor did say that everything else is going fine and she'll have Mom meet with the other doctor this week just in case she isn't back from vacation in time. Mom and Dad made arrangements with our neighbor to watch me when the new baby comes. Mom already has my old room ready for the baby.

Mom is also giving me baby training. I'll be fine Mom, just make sure I get all the attention :-).

Love, Harley


I took a break from the snow to color. I really like coloring! Mom bought some special markers that only color on my coloring book. But, I'm really good at finding the not-so-special markers too! Then I can color everywhere!

Sledding with Dad and Jetta

Dad pulled me around in the sled. I was too light to keep the sled upright, so Dad had Jetta ride with me too! Jetta wasn't too happy, but I had a great time! For the next week, everytime Dad pulled me around in the sled I called out "Jetta" to get her to ride with me. By the end of the week, I think she was enjoying it too!

More playing in the snow!

Can I get a little help here, Mom!

Playing in the Snow!

We had a great time playing in the snow. At first, I wasn't sure what was all over the ground. I would try to take a step, but the snow wouldn't hold my weight. It was so confusing! Dad wanted me to make a Snow Angel with him, but I thought it was a better idea to laugh at him with Mom! You're silly, Dad!


Our snow didn't arrive in time for Christmas, but when it came we got a lot! Ten inches of snow piled up in 24 hours! Dad and I took this picture of the sign next to our house. Looks like winter!

My Purple Coat

Playing dress-up with Mom...........wait, you really want me to wear this thing in public??


I got even more presents from Great Aunt Ellen last week. Aunt Ellen is trying to spoil me before my baby sister arrives. Mom and I are practicing with my baby doll, but I'm still not sure we really want a real baby here. I'm still the Baby!

Jetta really likes the stuffed dog. I have to tell her "no" when she tries to play with it!

Washing Dishes

I helped Mom wash dishes last week. Unfortunately, I also spilled water on my chair. Dad was talking to Grandpa Bill on the phone when I slipped and fell. Mom hung up with Grandpa in a hurry! Boy, did Mom think she was in trouble. Luckily, I wasn't hurt - just messing with you, Mom :-) - H

Eating Lunch with Dad

I wasn't feeling good this week, so I ate lunch on Dad's lap. Dad's food always tastes better than mine, anyhow!

Peanut Angel

Mom taught me how to make snow angels in peanuts. What a great trick, Mom! I don't think we should ever pick them up!

The Blender does this thing work? Can I play with it?

More Presents

Mom got a present in the mail - an immersion hand blender - what's that, Mom? I helped Mom unpack all the Styrofoam peanuts. Wow, Mom, this is fun!

Dad's Rat Traps

Dad got a crazy idea that he wanted to trap weasels with Rat Traps. Gee, Dad, these look like fun! Can we try them out on Jetta before you use them?

I helped Dad unwrap all the traps and build boxes to put them in. That was a lot of work! I'm expecting a good return in my piggy bank for all my help!

Presents from Grandpa

Grandpa sent Dad and I presents! Good thing Grandpa wrapped the chainsaw in plastic, because all the bar oil leaked out during the FedEx trip to Idaho! Fortunately, my new books didn't get oiled - thanks Grandpa!

Dad couldn't figure out my new necklace until he read Grandpa's card. Old guitar strings for trapping supplies. Shows how much Dad knows!

Dad and I went to the hardware store and bought more bar oil and a chainsaw file. Then we had to go to the Forest Service office to get a firewood permit. Wow, Dad, are you sure that $200 cord of wood wasn't a steal?

Sunday, January 8, 2012


My new favorite color! What do you think?

Fishing with Dad

Dad took me steelhead fishing this weekend and he finally caught a fish! About time, Dad!

My new Kitchen Set

Mom and Dad finally showed my me last Christmas present. It was a new kitchen play set under the stairs in the basement. Mom got it on Craigslist a few months ago and has been hiding it there ever since. You're not going to pull that one on me again, Mom! I'm checking this spot everyday now!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hanging With Mom

Hi Mom, what's the new baby's name? What? You don't want to name her Ghood Hirl? I'm heartbroken!

Mom, you are going to need this more than me. You're feeding two, ya know!

Feeding Jetta

Hi Jetta! Why are you staring at my Cheerios? Don't you have some food in the kitchen?

Oh, you don't like dog food? Okay, I'll share with you, just don't tell Mom and Dad.

Quick!! Look innocent! I think Mom and Dad saw us!