Monday, May 28, 2012

Salmon Fishing

Someone told Dad the salmon are biting.  Dad and Lars went fishing this morning and caught one salmon.  After Dad got back, we went to the bridge to try our luck, but we didn't get any.  Salmon fishing is hard!

Here Mushroom!

Wesley and I looked all over for the mushrooms.  Where are they hiding them?

Looking for Mushrooms

On Sunday, we went to Craig Mountain to meet James and Charlene and their son, Wesley, and their friends Andy and Kristen.  Kristen knew a good spot to look for Morel mushrooms.  It was really cold, and we forgot our BBQ, so we convinced a couple of the caretakers to let us use their firepit.  We had a blast cooking hot dogs and hanging out.  Andy and Kristen found a bunch of mushrooms.  Mom, Dad, Emersyn, and I found one mushroom.  This reminds me looking for huckleberries!

Playing before the Race

Before the big race on Saturday, we played in the park.  It beat sitting at registration and smelling breakfast cooking before the race!  Mom and Dad said we couldn't eat until after we finished.  What about me?  I'm just riding in the stroller!

Race Day

On Saturday we went to the Weippe Retreat Fun Run/Walk.  Mom, Emersyn and I finished the 5K walk in 46 minutes.  That was good enough for Mom to win 1st place in her age bracket!

Dad finished the 10K run in 52 minutes.  He thought that was pretty slow, but he got 3rd in his age bracket.

Emersyn and I were just along for the ride, so we didn't win any prizes........what's up with that?


Dad, come over here quick!  We're all going to sit on Mom at the same time!  Mom pile!

New Shoes

What?  These aren't MY new shoes??  But I like them!

Turkey Anyone?

Geez, Dad, how many turkeys do we need for Thanksgiving??

Mom's Turkey

Mom and I made Dad a turkey........what do you think, Dad?

Dad's Turkey

Dad got a turkey on Friday - the last day of the season.  He was pretty happy.  We took the turkey over to Papa Rick's house to clean it.  I'm not so sure about touching that thing, Dad!

Did you say your turkey tag was in here somewhere?

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Emersyn's new outfit from Aunt Alanna!  Too cute, sis!

Jetta's New Collar

Dad made Jetta a new collar from turkey spurs he got this if he could just get one more set to make an even 5 pairs!

Make me one too, Dad!


Dad, I think we missed our calling as plumbers!

Garden Time

We planted our garden this weekend.  I helped pour out the onions and plant them in the peppers.  Where else can I help?

Turkey Hunting Gear

Dad still hasn't gotten another turkey in Idaho.  He claims its the Idaho second tag curse.  Emersyn and I are ready to go break your curse, Dad.  When do we leave?  And what is Mom going to say when she gets back here?

Hanging Outside with Dad

Mom is officially back at work!  That means on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons, we get to hang out with Dad.  How come we spend so much time outside, Dad?  And what are you doing with a skinned duck??

Bumbo Time!

Emersyn, this is how you sit in the Bumbo!  No! I'm not too big for it!

Smile for the camera!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mom and Emersyn

It was a really nice day today, 80 F and sunny.  Mom and Emersyn played outside while I took my afternoon nap.


Everyone wants to be close to their Mom on Mother's Day!  Jetta, Emersyn, and I were no exception!