Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Arts and Crafts

Art time!  Count me in!


Two tired kids after a long day!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

More Fish?

We picked cherries behind our house yesterday. There were lots of cherries, but they weren't very big.  Jetta and I were having trouble figuring out how to spit out the pits.  Its tough being young!

Dad went fishing in the morning before work this weekend.  He's been getting quite a reputation on the bridge in front of our house!  He's caught a salmon on his last 5 trips by 5:30 am.

The water guys hit our phone line while digging up the domestic water line this week.  If you've tried to call, it just rings.  It was enough of an excuse that we are going to switch to cell phones.  So, our old number (208.476.9440) is no longer in service.

Amber : **2084206484
Nate : **2088276593
39", 17 Pounds, June 20th

June 22

June 21

Dad had a work meeting in Lewiston this week with Jeremy.  Jeremy stopped by on his way home and caught two salmon - one was unclipped so he had to let it go.  Jeremy was pretty excited!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hi Everyone!

We've been really busy the past couple of weeks.  Okay, so Dad has been busy......salmon fishing!  Miranda and Jeremy came to visit for a weekend, then Tom and Lori Shaw came to visit the next week.  For Father's Day we traveled to Dayton, WA to visit James and Charlene Brandon for Wesley's birthday party.

Dad and I have been fishing with Papa Rick, off the bridge, in Dad's boat, and whoever Dad can convince to get up at 2:30 am!  Don't worry, that's not Mom and I!


Love you guys!  -H

Salmon Fishing

                           The salmon are officially here....................I think Dad needs therapy!



Dad, get your toes over here, I'll paint them!

Father's Day

We got Dad a new ladder and a picture of me for Father's day.  Thanks for being Dad, Dad!  Hey, where's the slide on the other side of these steps?

Tom and Lori are here

Tom and Lori Shaw came to visit us from Hagerman.  Lori wanted Mom to fix her hair and Tom wanted to catch a salmon with Dad.  Whatever!  I want to play!


Even Hocus eats at the table at my house!


"Go back to compound and tell them there that the Maniac daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them the Maniacs are free."  Quote from Harley the Heroine......

Fun with Chalk

The steps were so much fun, how about face paint, too?


I have a feeling these steps will be famous!!

Jeremy and Miranda

Jeremy and Miranda came to visit for a weekend.  Jeremy went fishing with Dad a lot!  Miranda hung out with me a lot too!  We had a blast!

What Maniac?

Dad, why are you laughing??  I don't see anything funny.


We are the best two girls in the whole world.............right, Mom and Dad?


We've had lots of company lately. I helped Dad clean up before Jeremy and Miranda got here to visit.  After they left, Tom and Lori Shaw came to visit too!

Dad's Birthday

Dad got new shoes for his birthday.......just in time for the Maniac Dam race!  Dad got 5th place in the 5K run and Mom and I just about placed in the 3K walk.  Now we can wear our "Dam Maniac" shirts with pride!


I'm a big girl now!  Okay, so I still have some accidents, and Dad just about barfs when I do, but I'm not wearing diapers anymore..........well, sometimes, but not very often!


I'm ready for anything..........where are we going?

Helping Mom

I helped Mom make salt dough for foot and hand imprints.  I thought this stuff looked good to eat.  Not!  The funny part was, Dad did the same thing when he came home!  I guess great minds think the same, not so smart thoughts!