Sunday, September 23, 2012

Elk Hunting

Dad left to go elk hunting.  He said he'd come home with this one.  We'll see..............

Ben and Josh's Antelope

The setting sun on a successful archery antelope hunt.  Congratulations!

Antelope Hunting

Dad went antelope hunting on our vacation to Hagerman with Josh and Ben.  Dad did a lot of hunting, but didn't get anything.  Josh and Ben both got antelope with their bows.  Better luck next time, Dad!  When do I get to go again?

Jeep Safari

I'm ready, Dad, let's go to Africa!

The Giraffes

Getting a little close to each other, aren't we??

The Shack

Mom, why is Dad looking at us like this could be our new home??

More Zoo stuff

The Zoo

We also went to the Boise Zoo.  I really wanted to see the giraffes the entire morning, but we couldn't find them.  When we finally did find them, I wasn't that excited about them after all.  Good thing, because the Giraffe's gave the little boy next to us a lesson on the birds and the bees..............what's that mean, Mom?

The Hotel

We got to stay in a hotel in Boise after Pojo's.  Dad let me eat breakfast in bed the next morning - we should do this everyday!


For each game you played, you won tickets!  It was getting late and Dad decided it was my bedtime, he took some of my tokens and dropped them in the roulette game.  Go figure, he hit the jackpot of 560 tickets!!  I had a blast pulling them out of the machine.  Much to Dad's surprise, when we checked out, it was also Thursday double ticket night!  Both Emersyn and I got stuffed animals out of the deal - thanks Dad!

Even More Games

Did I mention that Pojo's had games???  Lots of games!!!!

More Games

This game was my favorite, I played two players at once, one squirt gun in each hand!

Games at Pojo's

While we were visiting in Boise, Mom and Dad took us to Pojo's (the equivalent to Chucky Cheese).  I rode the Merry go Round on the seat with Dad.  Those other silly kids sat on the horses that bucked up and down  :-).

Bath Time

Hanging Out

Sophie and Emy

Dana and Emy

We also went to visit our friends Dana and Sophie in Boise.



Thatcher and Emersyn

On our vacation we went to visit Josh, Cassie, and Thatcher.  Dad and Josh also went antelope hunting for a couple of days.

Snack Time


Canning Pears

Our neighbors, Mark and Patsy gave us some pears from their tree.  Yummy!


We went camping with Clayton and Malia over Labor day!  We had a blast!

Flowers for Mom

Mom was having a bad afternoon, I picked these to cheer her up!

Huckleberry Ice Cream
