Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Best Friends

Best Friends Forever!

Fishing With Dad

Dad, how come we never catch any fish when we go fishing???  And why do we always have to keep it a secret from Mom?



Polka Dots!

That's my sis!


Dad giving me a high-five for finishing my puzzle all by myself!

Reading with Eli

Eli came over to play this weekend, we had a blast!  I was so tired afterwards that I took a three hour nap!  This was one of the rare times that we were not moving!

More Ball Pit Fun!

Candy and Presents!

Yep, my favorite day!

Valentine's Day at Daycare

We took Valentine's Day presents to daycare.  Did I mention that I love Valentine's day?

Oscar Meyer Kitchen

Thanks Great Grandma Witte for sending me the Oscar Meyer Kitchen re-usable stickers.  I had a blast with them!

Ball Pit!


My new favorite holiday!

Emy and Jetta

Can we please go outside..........please.......Please........PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Valentine's Cupcakes!

I made Valentine's Day cupcakes for Dad's co-workers.  They were delicious!

New Carseat

I got a new carseat!!  Emy isn't in the baby seat anymore, she gets to ride looking forward in my old carseat!

My Tower

Look how tall I made it!


Dad went steelhead fishing with Adam from Hagerman.  How come we never catch that many when we go fishing, Dad?

Snack Time

Emy and food, nobody gets in her way of dinner!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


We have the best Mom ever!  We love you, Mom!


Mom and I went sledding yesterday on the hill while Dad and Emy checked weasel traps.  They only caught one weasel!  Silly Daddy, you guys should have went fishing!


Thanks Great Grandma for the Valentine cards!!  I love them!!  -H


Wait, the Packers didn't make the Superbowl????  Well, then I don't want to go watch!

Riding my Tricycle

Wheee!  I just learned how to drive this myself!  Let's go some more!