Sunday, March 17, 2013

Silly Hat

Dad, take that silly hat off, you're going to embarrass us!


We had a blast playing today.  It was cold outside, so it was a good day to be inside playing with Mom and Dad.

St Patrick's Day

Emy and I dressed up for St Patrick's Day.  We had corned beef and cabbage for dinner.  I sure didn't like the cabbage, especially since Dad made me eat it before I could have a leftover birthday cupcake!  Jeez, Dad, don't you remember how it is to be a kid?  I only want to eat cupcakes!


We had a blast today playing with the balloons from Emy's party!  We should play with balloons everyday!

Shipping me where?

Where are we shipping me too?  Can I go see Grandma and Grandpa again?

Opening Presents

I helped Emy to open her presents.  She had so many that she was overwhelmed.  Don't worry, Emy, I'm a present opening expert!

Kaylee and Us

Kaylee came over for Emy's birthday.  We had fun playing, although I was pretty tired after staying up really late the night before.  I was just so excited for Emy's birthday party that I couldn't sleep!

Emy's Birthday Party

We had a Birthday Party for Emy this weekend.  The theme was Bambi, and our little doe, Emersyn.  Mom made a cake and cupcakes with Bambi and a flower forest!  We had a blast!

Silly Face


Helping Dad

I wanted to help Dad get his fishing tackle ready to catch a steelhead.  I'm organizing all of his beads onto toothpicks.  Dad's not sure how this helps to catch fish, but he just doesn't have fishing figured out yet!

Hangin with Mom

Everyone wants to hang out with Mom!

Playing the Flute

Grandpa taught me how to play the flute that he played at Mom and Dad's wedding.  Jeez Grandpa, I think I play it as well as you.............just kidding!


Emy finally started smiling at Grandma and Grandpa two days before they had to leave.  Aww man!  Now I've got to share!

A big blanket

I'm a big girl now, I even sleep under my big blanket, not just my little baby blanket!  Its the prettiest polka dot blanket ever!

Isn't this Fun?

Isn't this fun, Emy?  Let's go faster!

Playing in the Sandbox

Grandma and Grandpa played with me the whole week they were here.  Emy didn't start playing with them until the last two days of their visit...........she was scared they were strangers.  I know better, but didn't want to tell Emy and have to share Grandma and Grandpa!

Tying Grandpa's Shoes

Don't worry Grandpa, I will tie your shoes for you!  Those extra tag ends are just to help you trip....don't worry, Emy trips all the time and falls, but she's always okay......I'm sure you will be too!

Grandpa and Grandma are here!

Grandpa and Grandma came out on a surprise visit while Dad was away in Washington D.C. for two weeks for work.  Yipee!!!  We played and played and played..............and played some more!  And ate ice cream, and pizza, and played, and maybe got spoiled rotten...........I love Grandma and Grandpa!!!

The Sun!

I see the Sunshine!! Yipee!  Spring is coming!

Frozen Ice Eggs

Mom made these for me.  I think we are supposed to watch them melt........doesn't it have to be warm out to make them melt??

More Presents!

My cousin, Ethan, sent me all of his old diapers!  Woohoo!  No more diapers for cousin, Ethan!  I almost done with potty training too, so these might be Emy diapers!

Emy's Birthday

Emy turned one year old!   Emy still hasn't decided what day she would like to celebrate her birthday on..........I think she wants to hold out and see if we'll have birthday parties every day!  Mom made birthday snacks for all of our daycare friends  - they loved them!


I don't think Emy has quite figured out how to brush her 8 teeth, but she likes the taste of kid's toothpaste!

Pretty Nails!

Dad helped me paint my fingernails.....they are soooo pretty!  Thanks Dad!

Presents from Grandpa and Grandma

Yipee!!! And caramel corn!  My favorite!