Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The blackberries are ripe!


Helping load fish

I'm helping Dad's new boss load salmon on the fish truck tonite.  This is fun!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Soccer Week

This week I'm in the British soccer camp.  I'm the second youngest kid in camp, so I've done more watching than kicking, but I still had a blast!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back Home!

We spent today relaxing and resting.  Emy didn't wake up until 11:30 am this morning.  She had a long flight back home yesterday.  Neither of us slept on the plane, and Emy made sure no one else did either!

I'm so glad to be back in my own room and to see Jetta again, but I can't wait for our next adventure!!!

Bye Bullfrog Fish Farm!

Time to leave.........I'll miss playing in the sand box!!!  Eat My Fish!!


Wow!  We had a fantastic lunch at the fish farm, even though we couldn't catch anything!  Dad challenged Dave, his old co-worker, to a filleting contest, but Dave cheated and caught the fish out of tank before Dad even knew what happened.  Got to be faster than that to win, Dad!


Dad got to see Herbie, the owner of Bullfrog Fish Farm.  Herbie pretty much taught Dad everything he knows about fish farming.  Then, Dad, just spent another 7 years of college messing around learning the same thing over again :-)

Bullfrog Fish Farm

For lunch on Saturday we went to the Bullfrog Fish Farm.  That's where Dad worked in high school and college.  We had a blast feeding the fish and ducks fish food, but we couldn't get any to stay on our fishing poles - go figure!

More Playing

Playing in the Park

We had a blast at the park!

Going to the Park

We walked down to Elmwood park to play on Saturday morning.  Grandpa didn't go, but Great Grandma Natalie and Aunt Patty met us there.

Back to Grandma and Grandpa's

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Can you please get me some batteries, so these toys do more....... :-)

Playing Music

I should start my own band...........!

I was having so much fun with my Aunts and cousins, that Mom and Dad snuck out and went canoeing after lunch for an hour!

Our Final Lunch

We left the cabin on Friday afternoon, I was sad to go.........because we couldn't go swimming there anymore!

Grandpa cooking turkey kabobs!

Looks like this side of the table forgot to smile.... cheese!

What, you don't like your food on this side of the table?


Emy had fun at the beach too.  She tended to fall over into the water, but Mom always picked her back up!

Jumping with Dad

I had a blast jumping off the dock!  Sometimes, I'd even let Dad throw me into the air.  That was fun about once a swimming trip!


I'm awake, can we please go back down and go swimming again?

The Cabin

Dad caught his first muskie at the cabin in 1987 - that was a long time ago, Dad!  The cabin hasn't changed much since then!


Dad took me out in the canoe on our last day at the cabin.  I had fun looking at the lily pads and paddling.  But, after about 15 minutes, I was ready to go swimming again!


Uncle Jeff caught a giant 45" muskie the day before we got to the cabin.  The day we got there, Dad caught a 35" muskie, but didn't get a picture of it.

The next day, Grandpa caught a  40" muskie on a topper stopper just before dark.  When he hooked the fish, it tail walked across the water for 6 feet before splashing back into the lake.  Grandpa fought it for about 10 minutes before Dad was finally able to net it.

Great fish Grandpa, but not big enough to get the four foot muskie trophy this year!  Uncle Jeff caught the whopper of the trip!

Snapping Turtle

We had two giant snapping turtles living under the dock at the cabin.  Luckily, they were at the back dock, and we swam near the front dock!  These guys looked pretty hungry!

The Hammock

Uncle Galen brought his hammock along on the trip.  I had tons of fun when he would swing me around in it.  Dad wasn't nearly as much fun, he just laid there

More Swimming

We went swimming every day we were at the cabin.  It was sooo much fun!  I would swim until my lips turned blue, then I would warm up under a towel on to the beach.


Jackson caught his first fish with his Dad at the cabin.  His first fish was a bluegill, but shortly after, he caught an 11 inch bass!!!  Nice catch, Jackson!

Dad helped me catch a couple of bluegills, but I never caught a fish as big as Jackson's!


My attic room in the cabin was pretty warm because the day temperatures were in the 90's.  But, it cooled off enough to sleep after dark, and I usually didn't wake up until after 9 am.

Story Time!

Jackson read me bed time stories on his cot on the porch.  I got to stay up way past my normal bedtime.....almost until 10:30 pm!  It was soooooo much fun I think I should stay up every night!


Aunt Joan and Uncle Jeff brought their golden retriever, Sophie along too.  She was sooo nice!  I kept thinking she was "Tessa" since we were watching Tom and Carole Tighe's golden retriever when we left Idaho.

Little Sissabagama

On Wednesday, we drove up to Stone Lake to stay at the Little Sissabagama cabin with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Joan, Uncle Tom and Aunt Wanda, cousins Leah and Marie, Uncle Galen, and of course, Grandma and Grandpa.  "Uncle" Shawn and his son, Jackson came too.

We had a blast swimming and fishing and hanging out playing cards in the cabin.  And since Mom didn't see any mice, the trip was a success!