Saturday, June 21, 2014

Salmon Fishing

Salmon fishing with dad today.  Dad caught 8 this morning, but we haven't gotten any so far!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mom's Salmon

On Saturday morning, Mom and Dad woke up really early and went salmon fishing.  Grandma and Grandpa stayed at home to watch Emy and I.  Mom caught her first salmon ever and it was a keeper!!!  Way to go Mom!!!!

My Dance Recital

On Friday night, Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, and Emy came to watch me perform at my dance recital.  I was soooo excited and nervous!  Everyone said I did a great job!  I was soo happy that everyone liked my performance.

We are all wearing the same costumes - I'm the second one from the left :-)

Mom's Home!

Mom got home Friday morning. She brought us each a lolli-pop from Las Vegas.  Yummy!!!  Thank you sooo much Grandma and Grandpa for coming out to visit while Mom was gone.  We had had a blast with you all week!

Fishing with Papa Rick

Papa Rick took Grandma, Grandpa, and the rest of us out salmon fishing on Thursday night.  We drove really fast in his Jet Boat all the way to Upper Fords creek (upstream of Orofino).  Just when we got ready to fish, a huge storm came and we decided to turn around.  We didn't catch any fish, but we had a blast taking a boat ride!

Grandpa's Salmon

Grandpa caught 4 salmon with Dad while he was here.  You can only keep the small fish (smaller than 24") because the hatchery needs the rest of the adults to spawn for the next generation.  We had so many salmon that we ate them almost every night and Dad canned 10 pints worth too!  I love fish!

Fishing with Dad

Mom left for Las Vegas last Monday.  Daycare was closed so Dad took the day off of work to hang out with Emy and I.  Dad took us salmon fishing in the boat and we caught 4 salmon and two keepers (fish smaller than 24").  We had a blast fishing!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Jeremy's Salmon

Nice Salmon, Jeremy!!!!

Family Adventure!

What a fun weekend!


Lollipops for the ride home!

Mom Fishing

Even Mom got into the action - she's a good fisherwoman!

Baiting the hooks

I thought grabbing the maggots for the hooks was really fun.  Mom isn't sure why I think maggots are fun and bugs, spiders, and worms are grounds for hysteria!  Mom will just never know :-)

Emy's Fish

Even Emy caught a fish - good job Emersyn!

Kokanee On!

Dad helped me reel in my Kokanee.  Once I got it figured out, I helped Papa Rick reel in his too!  This is fun!

Rick doesn't even use a net, he just flips them into the boat  - flying fish!!!

We kept getting hot, so Dad would dip us into water; first he only did feet first, but then he started dipping us in head first!  Silly Dad!

Gone Fishing!

We went Kokanee fishing on Dworshak reservoir this weekend.  It was really fun until Adalyn got too hot.  She went home early with her Grandma and Grandpa.  We stayed out fishing with Papa Rick and caught 35 Kokanee - for Dad's birthday, of course!

Adalyn's Visit

Baby Adalyn came to visit us this weekend with her parents, Jeremy and Miranda and Grandparents, Willie and Linda.  We had a blast playing and fishing!  Grandpa Willie brought his boat and we also took out Papa Rick's boat.  Summer fun!

I took Adalyn for her first ride in the Arctic Cat - she had a blast!

Dad's Birthday Cake

Yummy!!  Mom made Dad a camouflage birthday cake with blaze orange frosting.  Mom must really like you, Dad!

Filling up the Pool

Okay, Emy, you can take a turn filling the pool

Hold on tight!

Whoa!!!  Run for it!

Riding our Bikes
