Thursday, June 11, 2015

The End!

What a camping adventure!  Even after waiting out a rainstorm with soda and pop tarts, we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer.  Time for a nap!

When can we go camping again, Dad?

Even More Muskies!

When it was all done for the weekend, we had caught and released 12 muskies from 30-42 inches.  Dad was so excited!  He said if we wouldn't have broken off 5 more, and lost 6 past that, we would have set some sort of muskie fishing record.

Calm down, Dad.........they are only fish and we have more at home!  Besides, all these fish are cutting into our hot-dog eating time!

More Muskies!

Dad talked to our neighbor and got the inside scoop on catching muskies.  Apparently oscar mayer hot-dogs are the best bait!  Dad said, when in Rome, do as the Romans!  Well, sort of, he tried nightcrawlers first and we ate most of the hot-dogs. But we caught muskies on both!

Those fish were so strong, they just about pulled us in!

Goodbye Emy's Fishing Pole

This was the last known picture of Emy's princess pole.  Dad got it for her just before we left for this trip.  The first bite she had in Bluewater Lake cut her line. Dad said he would fix that! So, he tied on a 50 lb mono leader - no more biting through the line.

The next fish jerked the pole out of Emy's hands and it went water-skiing across the lake.  Emy was crying "my pole! pole!!!!".  Dad couldn't catch up to it, and we never saw it again........

I'm not so sure about this muskie fishing stuff!


The next morning, Dad cooked us trout fillets fried on bacon.  Dad, where did you learn how to cook all these yummy breakfast foods??  Did your Mom cook these for you when you were little?


Dad caught two more muskies that night  including a 42" on a Burmek.  Gave up on the fly rod, huh?

We got to watch the sunset, and even the stars come out.  Geez, Dad, don't you think its past our bedtime now?

Muskie on a Fly

When it started getting dark, Dad was really antsy.  We wanted to go to bed, but he loaded us into the boat and went fishing.  Dad said it was a miracle, but after hooking and losing two fish, he finally landed one on his fly rod.  Of course, Jetta helped land it by standing on all the fly line, and Emy and I screamed when it splashed us!

That's a weird looking fish, Dad!  And smelly too!

Bluewater Lake

Dad thought we had bigger fish to fry, so we packed up our tent and drove another 3 hours to Bluewater Lake.  Dad said they had muskies in that lake - something he and grandpa used to fish for.  Oh Dad, let's just stay here and catch Emy fish!

But, when we got to the new lake, they had a beach for us to have a mud-fight on.  Good call, Dad!


We fished at Fenton Lake in the morning, and Emy and I both caught fish.  Your's looks a little strange, Emy!

Fenton State Park

After visiting the hatchery, we camped at Fenton Lake state park.  It was fun!  Dad took us swimming in the creek, playing on the playground equipment, and fishing the next morning.

Seven Springs Hatchery

We went to visit another Hatchery near Jemez Springs, NM.  The Hatchery rears Rio Grande Cutthroat trout and has buildings that are almost 100 years old!  Tony, the manager, let us feed the fish.  Wait, Dad, why don't you let us feed the fish at your hatchery?

Camping Trip!

While Mom went to Cancun, Dad took us on a camping trip.  To get us ready, we camped in the living room the first night.

More Cancun Pics

Mom and Carolyn went parasailing and went to the white dress Thrive party.  Mom, did you feel bad leaving Dad and us back home??

Mom's Cancun Trip

Mom went to Cancun for her "Thrive" get-away vacation.  They had room service every morning for breakfast and spent a lot of time hanging out on the beach.   Looks like it was fun, Mom!  When can we go there?

Dad's Birthday!

We made posters and wrapped presents for Dad's surprise birthday lunch!  And, we made his favorite desert, Angel food cake.  I think Angel food cake and whipped cream is Emy's favorite too!  Dad was so excited he ate 3 pieces!