Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pied Piper Pepper Picker

How many peppers can little piping Harley pick? I had help with this one, but I'm getting better. Jetta and I didn't want to listen in the garden, so Mom left Jetta there. I got to come home and hang out with Dad. He let me play in the grass, until Mom found me!

Sophie and I

Mom and I hung out with her friend Carolyn and her daughter Sophie yesterday. Sophie is going to be a big sister soon. I wonder if I'll ever be a big sister.............MOM!!!!!!

The Big Fire

Dad went looking for elk hunting spots this weekend. While he was gone, a huge wildfire started on Saturday across the river from Hagerman. By the time Dad returned on Sunday night, over 200,000 acres had burned. The fire even jumped the river to our side in two spots - yikes!

The fire is still burning in some spots, but we are safe now, everything is burnt near us. As of today (Tuesday) the fire has burned almost 300,000 acres of brush land.

Dad, Jeremy and Adam went out to survey the damage and look for Jeremy's trail cameras he set out for antelope. Miraculously, both Jeremy's cameras survived (Dad had already taken his elk scouting last Friday). However, not many antelope are left. Dad wanted to bring home a cow, but Jeremy said it was too heavy - silly Dad!

Welcome Back Mom and Dad

Hi Mom and Dad. Did you miss me? I missed you!!

love, Harley

Mom in Vegas

Mom had fun in Vegas with all my Aunts! I wish I was an Aunt so I could go on the girls trip. Mom also met Aunt Alanna and Aunt Liz in Vegas. So many Aunts, I can't keep track of them all!

Mom had fun, but I had more fun in Idaho. I got to hang out with Dad for a day before he went to work in Portland, then Grandma Lori for a day, my babysitter Kenzi for another day, and two days with Sabrina. Whew! What an adventure!

Time to go!

Mom and I are packing for our trip (8/15). WHAT? I can't go along in Mom's suitcase? Who planned this trip anyhow!

Sleepy Time

I'm starting to feel better (8/14), time for a nap!

Pretty Toes

Mom and I painted our toes for our Las Vegas trip. I can't wait! Wait a minute.......who said babysitter???? MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medicine Time

Mom says my medicine will make me feel better. Dad says that I need to eat my medicine not just wear it as a topical ointment for it to work. A girl's got to try something, right?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Mom and I went to the doctor yesterday. I have bronchitis and Mom has pink eye and strep throat! Mom and I have stayed home and cried together for three days now...........I don't like being sick!!!!!
Dad has been really busy at work all week with the fish marking crews here. They are planning on fin clipping and tagging 800,000 steelhead fingerlings this week - Wow! Mom wishes he could stay home more and take care of us! Dad even has to work this weekend so Grandma Lori is coming over on Saturday and Mom found a babysitter for Sunday. I hope I'm better before my new friends come over to play!

End of the Rainbow

Yep, that's me, Harley, the little pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. As if there was ever a doubt.............

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We drove home on Sunday night. Mom and Dad were tired by the time we got to Reno, so Mom navigated us to a hotel. Mom and Dad aren't very good with driving directions, I think I should buy them a GPS for their anniversary!

We survived Reno and made it home on Monday afternoon. Jetta was so excited to see us! On Tuesday, Mom and Dad went back to work I visited my friends at daycare. It was fun to be back, but I already miss California!

Water Time

Dad took me in the water. It was fun until I got cold. How come I don't get to jump off the diving board yet? That looks like fun!

Pool Time

We headed back to Modesto on Sunday and hung out with Aunt Alana at her pool. Uncle Chuck had to go back to work. I think I could get used to being a California girl!

The Cabin

We saw lots of deer at the cabin, but we didn't have time to take the boat out. Uncle Chuck promised that we could take it next time we visited. Mom was a little scared of boating after Uncle Chuck told her all his boating mishaps over dinner on Saturday night!

My Aunts

My Aunts couldn't stop hugging me. Guess they thought Dad was going to sit with me at Yosemite Falls forever. I think Dad was headed back to civilization once he found out my diaper wouldn't last the night!

Half Dome Sunset

Mom took another picture of Half Dome on our way out of Yosemite. Gee Mom, are you sure you don't want to stay an extra day so we can climb it?

Break Time!

On the way back down the trail from Yosemite Falls we met Uncle Chuck and Aunt Alana. They decided to continue onto the Falls. We found a nice log to sit on while we waited for them, but 2 hours later, they still hadn't come back. Dad just thought they were reminiscing about Bridal Falls somewhere, but Melissa got worried after 2 1/2 hours. She went to look for them and couldn't find them! Of course, Dad just thought they had a good hiding spot!

We decided to walk back out to the main road. There was Aunt Alana and the park rangers. They had taken a different trail back out to the road and were searching for us! Who would every lose someone as cute as me??

Dad was especially happy that we were found because he forgot to bring the diaper bag and my diaper was starting to drip down his shirt! You should always be prepared, Dad!

Everyone had a good laugh after we got in the car and we decided to head back to Groveland. Uncle Chuck said we would have to visit the Giant Sequoias on our next visit.

Yosemite Falls

After lunch we visited Yosemite Falls. The Falls is 2600 feet tall. Wow! Melissa, Mom, Dad, and I trekked out by ourselves while Aunt Alana and Uncle Chuck found a parking spot. There were lots of other people visiting the Falls too!

Half Dome

Mom took another picture of Half Dome as Uncle Chuck drove us to the lodge for lunch. The lodge was built in the 1920's for the Queen's visit. It was really neat. The parking lot at the lodge was packed, but Uncle Chuck used his Teddy Roosevelt smile to pull us into the front of the line. He dropped his keys to the concierge with a smile and we headed in before the people waiting even knew what happened. That's my uncle!

We had a great lunch at the lodge and then headed back out for more adventures!

Lunch Time

Mom and I found a quiet log next to Bridal Falls for lunch. When a girl's got to eat, a girl's got to eat! Mom said it was the prettiest place that she had ever fed me. Dad kept a sharp look out for crazy people. He only had to evil eye one young teenager trying to take a picture of us!

Bridal Falls

Aunt Alana and Uncle Chuck got their picture taken at Bridal Falls. I didn't want to be outdone, so Dad and I got our pictures taken too!

Teddy Roosevelt

Dad found Teddy Roosevelt in the Park and asked him to hold me while he went to the bathroom.......haha! I fooled you! That's my Uncle Chuck, silly. He told me all kinds of stories about boats and cars, and the park, and, I could go on and on.....I could hang out with Uncle Chuck for days!

Yosemite Park

On Saturday we went to Yosemite Park. I had a blast!

Our first stop was an overlook of Half Dome mountain. Dad wanted to climb it with me, but the guide book said you had to apply for permits on the weekends.....bummer Dad!


On Friday, Uncle Chuck took us to his cabin in Groveland. I got to ride with Aunt Alana, Abby, and Mom. Dad rode up with Uncle Chuck and we met Aunt Alana's friend Melissa and her dog Mattee Mae at the cabin.

I got to play with the pet bears (foot stools) and with Abby. I love California!

All the adults ate at the small hotel in town. Mom had calamari again tonight - and she wonders why my diapers are green!


We arrived in California on Thursday evening. Dad took us on the scenic route through Carson City and down Highway 395 to Tioga pass. Along the way we stopped at Lahontan National Fish Hatchery and met Misty, the Administrative officer. She was a bundle of fun!
I thought Tioga pass was fun, but Mom started turning different shades of green just as we crested the pass. She said something about it being too curvy. We stopped so she could sit in the front seat. I had to sit in the back all by myself, but I was tired so I took a nap until we got to Modesto.

At Aunt Alana's house, I got to play with Abby. She was lots of fun. Uncle Chuck got home around 8 pm and we went out to eat at Johnny Carino's. Yummy, Italian food! Okay, I'm just copying what Mom and Dad said, they didn't give me any!

Road Trip

We left on Wednesday night to start our road trip to California. Along the way we stopped in Wells, NV for gas. Dad noticed the tire light had turned on. He asked the mechanic at the gas station if he could check the tires. The mechanic said "sure, as soon as I get up". The mechanic stood up just enough to slip a tire gauge out of his back pocket. "Here you go", he smiled. Dad smiled back and checked the air pressure, not exactly what he had in mind, but it worked.

After Wells, we drove 3 more hours to Winnemucca. We got a hotel room there and stayed the night. I think Dad picked the hotel, free kids and breakfast? Please, Dad!