Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall is Here!

Dad didn't want to leave work when Mom and I came over to get him at 4pm yesterday, so we went to play by the sturgeon pond. I decided that the leaves looked like more fun than sturgeon. I love looking at leaves, but tasting them is the best part!

Jetta and the Jack O' Lanterns

Wow - look at all our Jack O' Lanterns. That's mine - the small one next to Dad's fish. Jetta is just hangin' out enjoying a break from the rain!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Jack O' Lantern

Look at my baby pumpkin. I gave her a pacifier since I don't need them anymore. Shhhhhhhhh, Baby Pumpkin!


Mom, are you sure we should listen to all of Dad's ideas? I think I like my real bumbo - not a pumpkin one!

Pumpkin Carving

We carved pumpkins tonight. I can't wait for Halloween!

Jetta's Tired

Dad and Jetta went hunting this morning (Sunday). She is so tired. I'm trying to wake her up, but nothing is working. Don't worry Grandma Witte - Dad is on the couch with us! -Harley
PS - Dad styled my hair - what do you think? He says I look like Dennis..........Who's that, Dad?

For Real?

Mom and Dad - are you really my parents? Are you sure I don't belong to someone else? Geez.....how did I end up here..........jk - love, Harley

Dad and I hunting

Mom, Dad, and I went hunting last Wednesday night. Mom saw a deer, but Dad and I came up to soon and I scared it away with my crying. Funny, last time crying brought the deer to us. Just trying to help Dad!


I'm not sure where Mom is going with this, but I can stand up with the help of the coffee table now. Wow - look at me!!

Who's That?

Is there someone behind me??? I have a funny feeling...........

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mom's Miss

On Thursday night, Mom, Dad and I dressed-up in orange costumes and went for a walk above the fish hatchery. I thought we were going back to the pumpkin patch, but Dad said we were going deer hunting. Hmm....that's why I have to wear these ear muffs. I love hunting - I babble the entire time! Dad told me I was being too loud to see any deer, but what does he know - he never gets any!

Dad and I took the best route (I picked it) and Mom took the upper trail. When she got there, she spotted ears in the bushes. She readied her gun, took the safety off, and aimed up the hill. When the buck stepped out, she shot. Dad was so excited that we practically ran up to see Mom. I thought I was being carried (in my backpack) by a horse! Wheee!!!!

When we got to Mom, I was glad that Dad was carrying me, because her legs were shaking so badly she looked like she might collapse! She was so excited.

Mom pointed Dad to the spot the deer had been standing so we could look for his trail. Since Mom had already gotten to shoot, I thought we were done hunting and I told Dad I was ready to go. He doesn't listen very well so I told him again, louder. Since that didn't work, I decided that telling him constantly was my only option. Mom was shouting us directions, but Dad couldn't hear them over me talking and didn't understand her hand signals. He walked back to Mom and saw what she was pointing at. All my crying had attracted the attention of a doe deer that stood only 40 yards away. See Dad - my talking doesn't scare the deer - it attracts them! Dad decided we should leave the doe deer - one deer was enough for the night!

I finally got my way and we walked back to the house. Later, after I feel asleep, Mom and Dad called Eric to babysit and they went back to look for the deer, but didn't find anything in the dark. Dad called two friends and they looked for another 2 hours, but couldn't find the blood trail - only a small tuft of hair where Mom had shot.

Dad must not give up easily, because he looked again for an hour before work in the dark and then we all went back in the afternoon. Finally, Dad said, "I think you grazed him - he'll be just fine, only wiser for the experience." Mom was heartbroken - it was the first deer she tried to shoot and she missed.......sorry Mom.......

I told Mom not to feel too bad, Grandpa told me Dad missed 11 times with a single-shot shotgun the first year he deer hunted, but don't tell Dad I told you!

Baby Food

Yes, Mom still feeds my that pureed baby food, too. I'm still deciding if I like this bite........to swallow or projectile........hmmmmm..........so many decisions!!!!!!!!

Food! Food! Food!

Dr. Scott told Mom that I can have "real" food now. It's about time! These little green things aren't really that good.......but this piece of bread reminds me a lot of my pacifier that Mom took away 2 months ago........H

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I weigh 17 1/2 pounds

I went to the doctor yesterday. I weigh 17 1/2 pounds. Dr. Scott was happy with that. I wasn't so happy with Dr. Scott when she prescribed me 4 shots!!!! Did I mention that I don't like shots!

I had a mild fever (101) all night and I didn't like being touched, but today I'm better. When do we get to play????

Dad's Hunting Trip

Dad went deer hunting on Sunday and Monday (Holiday) with Lance, but they didn't get anything. They did see a really neat rainbow and 26 elk, but no deer with antlers. Better luck next time, Dad!

Dad did go hunting on Tuesday because he had another day off work. Geez Dad - do you ever work? He and Jetta got 7 ducks, 8 chukar partdridge, 10 quail, and 1 hungarian partdridge. Jetta was really tired when they got home!

Back Home

Wow! Look at all my pumpkins! I can't wait for Halloween! And my new flower from the craft show - am I special or what?

The Pumpkin Patch

After Pilates, we all went to the pumpkin patch. Mom said I wasn't old enough to play games, but she still let me try the pumpkin! I've decided everything tastes better than my Gerber baby food!

Mom's Better

Mom got better on Saturday. We had a big day on Saturday. Mom, Dad, and I went to the craft show in Filer. Mom bought me a new flower for my head - thanks Mom! Mom also bought Bud's Corn Sauce for sweet corn - yummy........when do I get some!

After the craft show Mom went to Pilates in the Park. Dad and I went to Costco to finish off our grocery list. Dad bought a new food processor so I can have big person food! Yeah!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mom is Sick

Mom is sick today so Dad fed me dinner. More sweet potatoes...... How about some cotton candy, Dad?


Mom gave me a watermelon yesterday. I don't think she knew that I already know how to eat watermelons. Jetta taught me! Yum!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Peek A Boo

Can I open my eyes yet????????


Uncle Will

Uncle Will came to visit too. He hunted elk for 17 days, but never got one. He thinks he paid Dad's dues............

Dad said Uncle Will looks like Grizzly Adams. Who is Grizzly Adams? Does he take care of the Grizzly bears that Uncle Will kept running into?

Grandma's Toys

Grandma and I played inside for awhile. Then we went outside. Grandma found me a worm to play with. Mom just about feinted. I thought it looked good to eat, but Grandma took it away before I could taste it. Always spoiling my fun! At least the color came back to Mom's face after that! Dad says I'll make a good spider squisher for Mom - I'm not afraid to eat anything!


Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this weekend. We played the whole time! I was sad to see them leave, but Mom said if I'm good we'll visit them again in November. What is November???? Is it like McDonald's? Mom says someday will visit that too!

Packer Fan

How far away is Lambeau field again? Can I crawl there?