Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Mom and Dad made cookies tonight with Aunt Ellen's new moose cookie cutter. I tried to help, but Jetta and I were banished to the living room. Wait - I thought Jetta was only allowed in the kitchen!

Great Grandpa Ed and Grandma Lee

On Sunday we went back to Williston, ND and visited Great Granpa Ed and Grandma Lee. I thought their oxygen lines were great toys, but Mom didn't think I should play with them!

After a too short visit, we started our journey back towards Idaho. We made it to Miles City, Montana before we ran into another Winter Weather Advisory. We crept off the interstate and found a vacancy at the Historic Olive Inn that was built in 1898!

We left the Olive Inn on Monday morning and finally found some clear roads in Billings. We made it back to Hagerman at 9 pm and found snow on the ground and a temperature of 7 F! Wow - what happened to our mild valley weather?

Jetta was really excited to see us, but she was also really tired because James visited her and hunted ducks for four days straight. Poor Jetta - she needs a nap!

Mom is really excited to be home. Driving on winter roads with me in the car has been too stressful for her. She's threatening to quit her day job and become a hermit with me!

Brandy and Jeff's

We stayed at Brandy and Jeff's on Saturday night. Samantha fed me breakfast in the morning and Brandy taught me how to take ornaments off the Christmas tree. Thanks Brandy!

Mom and Dad sledding

Grandma held me so Mom and Dad could go sledding. I wasn't too happy to see Mom go down the hill and I let everyone know. After that, it was time to dry off and head to Minot, ND to visit Mom's friends Brandy and Jeff and their daughter, Samantha.


On Saturday we went sledding with Aunt Angela, Grandma, Landon, Madison, Ben, and Collin. I had fun, but my snow suit was so thick I couldn't move my arms or legs!


Mom went shopping on Friday at 2:30 am with Grandma and Aunt Angela! I stayed home with Dad - he said Mom is crazy!

Friday afternoon we went to visit Santa at the mall. Dad told me lots of things to ask for, but I forgot them when I got there. I'm sure Madison and Collin asked for something fun!
After Santa, Dad let me eat a soft pretzel. Don't tell Mom that Dad spoiled my appetite for baby food!


We played games the rest Thanksgiving Day because it was so cold outside. Dad and BJ boxed on the WII game. BJ beat Dad over and over again. Better try harder, Dad!

I had tons of fun playing with Owen and Cameron. I could stay here forever, but Mom says its too cold!


After mashed potato dinner, Cameron and I hung out on the chair. I wonder if this car tastes like turkey?

Thanksgiving Dinner

We ate Thanksgiving Dinner at BJ and Tanya's house. Hey! Where is my turkey?

-14 below

Tuesday morning was 14 below zero in Bismarck! BJ and Dad went pheasant hunting with their friend Wes. Mom watched the weather report and decided that continuing onto Wisconsin would be too dangerous in the winter weather conditions. Actually Mom still hasn't regained any color to her face after our trip across Montana! Actually, Dad's face looked pretty white too after his hunting trip in -14 weather!

Grandma Paulette

Grandma Paulette stayed at Aunt Angela's and Mom, Dad, and I stayed with his friends BJ and Tanya Haase and their two sons Owen and Cameron.

Aunt Angela

That tickles!

Cousins Landon, Madison, Collin, and Ben

We got to Bismarck on Monday night and visited Uncle Cory and Aunt Angela. My cousins played cards with Dad while I hung out with Mom and Aunt Angela. Dad actually won one game of cards and then no one wanted to play with him again. I wanted to play with the cards, but no one wanted to play my card game.........eat the jokers!

Great Grandma Marlene

On Monday we started our journey towards Bismarck. We stopped in Williston, ND to pick up Grandma Paulette's bags and visit Great Grandma Marlene. Great Grandma Marlene has four cats - I didn't get to play with them, but they shared my toys!

Aunt Mickyla

I know, I'm always the center of attention. I really can't help it - I'm so darn cute everyone wants to be around me!

Uncle Aaron

Uncle Aaron is tons of fun. He flew me around the shop in his arms and then let me play on the tricycle. Mom - can we keep him?

Grandpa and Grandma

We're all hanging out on the couch. Grandma Paulette is going to travel with us to Bismarck and then on to Wisconsin. Our schedule has gotten delayed, but we plan on leaving for Bismarck on Monday (11/22) and then for Wisconsin on Wednesday (11/24).

Cloey, Kiawana, and Ethan

Wow - I only get this much attention at daycare! Dad, can all my cousins come with us to Wisconsin?

We made it!

We finally made it Uncle Aaron's shop in Sydney, Montana around 6 pm on Saturday (11/20). What a trip! We were thankful to have made it safely, many drivers slid off the ice on I-94.

Uncle Aaron and Aunt Mickyla are still working on their new house since the fire from last year. While they are working on the house, they are staying in the insulated shop they built last year. The shop is spacious, but only has one room. Mom put a blanket over my crib so I could nap during the day.

My cousins, Kiawna, Cloey, and Ethan have tons of toys. People were very generous after they lost all their toys in the fire. They had so many, they even gave me some - thanks you!!

Cloey, Grandpa Don, and Kiawna and I hung out on the couch. I'm so glad to be out of my car seat!

Clover Bar and Grill

Saturday's driving was slow. Dad said the first 86 miles took three hours. He needed a break so we stopped in Clover, Montana for lunch. Clover's business district was one bar and grill (smoke free). Mom wanted a hotel, but the closest one was 50 miles away in Forsyth. After a looooong lunch, we reluctantly got back on the road.
Mom said my visit to the Clover Pub was due to our dire circumstances. I'm not allowed back into a bar until I turn 30!

New Tires

Dad stopped in Bozeman, Montana to buy snow tires. The tire tech said the pass between Bozeman and Billings would be difficult. Boy, was she an optimist! Dad said it was a 150 miles of glare ice. Mom finally made Dad stop when they slid down a mountain outside of Columbus, Montana next to a locked-up double semi-trailer full of lumber and four freshly slid off cars. We stayed the night in a Super 8 and then continued on again on Saturday.

I had fun on the road - Dad kept running over the warning rumble strips to get traction up the hills - I laughed the whole time! I'm not sure what was funnier - the rumble strips or Mom's ghost white face!

Home for Thanksgiving!

We started our journey home to North Dakota and Wisconsin on Thursday night (11/18). We made it to Big Sky, Montana before the snow made us stop. We stayed in a little cabin until morning and then continued on our trip. That was the first snow I ever saw, but it wouldn't be the last. Mom took my picture next to the moose - he didn't seem concerned about the road conditions!


This crib is starting to feel like a prison. Where are my three hots and a cot?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dress Up Time

Mom had me dress up again. Geez Mom, don't you know that someday I'll grow up and have to live with all these silly pictures??? Love ya! Harley

Halloween is Over!

I'm helping Mom put away the Halloween decorations. Just a little more time and I'll have this whole gourd eaten!

I can stand

Wow - I can stand! Okay, with just a little help from Mom and the coffee table.

Hangin Outside

The leaves are falling everywhere. What fun day to hang around outside!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mom's other Halloween Costume

Mom said she felt like she was hit by a truck after our Halloween party. What do you mean, Mom? Dad helped Mom make a "run over" costume for Lance and Michelle's party the next night. Dad and I stayed home with Jetta while Mom showed off her new costume.

Halloween Decorations

Mom spent all day Friday decorating for our Halloween party. I like decorations, but why can't I taste them all?