Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Dad listed the wrong zip code on our address - here is the correct one: Wiese's; 27 Sockeye Drive; Orofino, ID 83544

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Phone Number

We got our phone hooked up this week. The new number is 208-476-9440. We are hoping to have internet hooked up this Tuesday, March 29th. We are almost completely unpacked and went out exploring some this weekend. We saw turkeys and deer and took a short hike near Dent Bridge on Dworshak Reservoir. Dad heard turkeys gobbling yesterday near the Dam by our house - he's pretty excited. Mom and I weren't there to hear them - I think he might be making it up. Dad also tried steelhead fishing this morning, but the boat motor wouldn't run! Mom and I had to pick him up at the Pink House boat ramp downstream of Orofino after he walked back home! Dad said he watched the other fisherman catch 12 steelhead before he realized the boat didn't work. Wow, Dad, sounds like you should have been fishing with them!

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Thanks for more toys! Mom tried to sell all mine in our moving sale - bad Mommy!!!

Now, I can't decide if the bow, the surfer girl or the leopard tastes better..............so many decisions to make!

Birthday Package

Wow, I thought my birthday was already over. I guess not! Aunt Mickyla and Uncle Aaron sent me a birthday gift and my cousins even included some of their toys. Thank you guys!!!


Dad taught me how to walk up the stairs! Mom was not impressed! I surprised both of them when I did all by myself after only two trips with Dad helping me!

Look out Mom and Dad - here comes Harley!!!!!

Dworshak Hatchery

Mom and I took some pictures of the Hatchery from the bridge over the railroad tracks. We have railroad tracks directly behind our house that run through the middle of the Hatchery. Luckily, they are fence off for me and Jetta and we've only had one train come through in a week!

Dad's Work

We went to see Dad at work today while they were spawning steelhead. It was so much fun - I loved watching all the people running around with the fish. They spawned over 200 steelhead on Tuesday! Dad looked like he was doing more standing around than working - he claimed he was still learning!

After watching Dad, Mom and I headed home. On the way back, some nice folks in the parking lot gave us two steelhead to take home. They were two of the fish that Dad had helped spawn at the hatchery. Just when Dad thought he was done with fish for the day, Mom had a surprise for him when he got home after work - time to clean steelhead!

Almost Unpacked

After the weekend we were getting closer to being unpacked. Dad still has to pick up our boat from Mark's house (his boss) and our living room is still a little disorganized, but I finally have a crib. Dad wrecked my crib bolts when he tried to put them back together, so we had to buy more in Lewiston over the weekend. Dad claimed we are never putting the crib back together again! What about my six brothers and sisters, Dad?

Our First Weekend in Orofino

Our first weekend in Orofino we took some time away from unpacking to walk to the Dworshak Dam from our house. People were fishing for steelhead near the dam and Dad wanted to go home to find his fishing poles! Mom wanted to go home to find her hiking shoes so she didn't have to tiptoe around all the puddles!


Dad started work on Thursday the week we moved in. He didn't want to miss out on anything! Mom and I stayed home to unpack. While at work, Dad's boss called the locksmith to have some new keys made for our house. Dad tried to warn Mom by calling her cell phone, but she didn't get the message.

Mickey, the locksmith, showed up at our door on Thursday afternoon asking to be let in. Even Dad hadn't known that Mickey had recently been known as Dave before her recent sex change. Mickey had to do a lot of convincing for Mom to realize she was legitimate and Dad got an earful when he got home. Mickey did a great job and we got spare keys for the house - now if Mom would just stop locking out Dad .............

St Patrick's Day

We went to the Mexican restaurant in Orofino for St Patrick's Day - what that isn't your tradition?? Too bad! Dad bought a corned beef for dinner, but he forgot to turn on the roaster in the morning before he left and Mom wasn't sure how to cook it. We still had corned beef and cabbage - it was just the day after!


After the mover's left on Wednesday afternoon, the real fun began - unpacking! Mom and Dad thought it would be a cinch, but even after a week, they were still unpacking boxes!! Jeez, guys, it only took the movers one day to pack it all up!

Jetta's Bone

The mover's even packed a bone for Jetta - she was so happy I thought she would knock Dad over with her tail wagging! Our new backyard is fenced in, so Jetta has lots of room to play. It also has a sliding glass window where Jetta is learning how to beg to be let in. Jetta and I spend hours (okay minutes) staring at each other through the glass longing to be on the other side - yep, me outside and Jetta stuck in here!

Our New House

The moving truck arrived in Orofino just after we got there on Wednesday. Wow - that was fast! Our new house is bigger than our last - it even has two bathrooms - Yahoo!!! The basement has several finished rooms - so Dad's stuff got stuck in the shed out back. There is even a little playhouse built under the stairs downstairs. Mom says I'm not old enough to play down there by myself yet!

Goodbye Old House

The movers finished boxing everything on Monday and packed the truck on Tuesday afternoon. The mover's truck was from Fargo, ND - Mom didn't think that was a coincidence. The moving guys were from Island Park and Pocatello, Idaho - Dad was a little concerned they might move our stuff back to North Dakota.....Fortunately, they did a great job and no one had to worry!

Mom and Dad did one final walk through of the house and we left around 4 pm. Unfortunately, we reached Boise before Mom realized we had forgotten all my snacks for the trip - Dad's fault!!

I didn't mind, Dad let me eat pizza in Boise and Anna mailed my frozen peas to Orofino. Dad thought the peas might still be good after seven days in the mail, but Mom threw them out before he fed them to me!

On our drive towards Orofino, we ran into a rain/snow storm in Council, Idaho. Mom wanted to stop, so we stayed at the Starlite motel until morning. The rain had subsided in the morning and we made it to Orofino around noon Pacific Time.

The Couch Saviors!

Dad finally called his work friends, Steve and BC, to see if they had any ideas. Steve looked it over and decided they could take an entire window out. An hour later, Mom's couch was free and our old house had a big hole! Not to worry, Steve had the window installers on speed dial!

Thanks Guys!!!!!!!

Mom's Couch

The movers couldn't get Mom's couch out the front door. Dad couldn't remember how he got it in there 6 years ago! Dad even called his friend, John, but he couldn't remember either! The movers tried every angle they could think of and even tried going through the window - nothing would work!

Boxes Everywhere!

The movers came on a monday to pack all our things. I helped the movers between my naps and snack times. Naps and snacks were at Jeremy and Miranda's house next door. The movers were so fun - they let me play with their packing paper and listen to crazy music!

Just Checking....

Just checking to make sure we didn't leave anything under the kitchen rug - you never know....we could have left a Cheerio under there!

The Big Move

I helped Dad take down our fish for the big move. I can't wait, all these boxes look like great toys!

Friday, March 18, 2011

We Made It

We made it to Orofino on Wednesday, March 16th. I was so excited! The movers unpacked all our boxes. Now, Mom, Dad, Jetta, and I have been unwrapping treasures for two days! I think we might have them all unwrapped by this weekend! We are getting mail already: Wiese's 27 Sockeye Drive Orofino, ID 83544 But, we haven't gotten our phone or Internet hooked up yet. Hopefully more soon!! -Harley

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The movers will be here tomorrow morning. We spent the weekend packing up our belongings that will travel with us. The movers will pack the stuff that goes on the truck. I helped Dad disassemble the stereo. He said something choking hazard evidence when Mom took the picture...........

My Wagon

Dad took me to the garden in my wagon today. It was 50 degrees - almost like summer! Dad picked up his skunk traps to take to Orofino. Wow, Dad, those things still smell bad!


I learned how to crawl in and out of the ball pit this weekend. Now I don't have to wait for Mom to put me in! This is so fun!

More Ball Fun

I love playing in my birthday ball pit. We should keep this thing set-up forever!

New Sunglasses

I tried out my new sunglasses on our Friday morning walk. I'm as cool as Mom now!


Bananas! Bananas! Bananas!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My New Hat

Bryan and Peggy gave me a new hat! Mom says it will keep my ears warm for the next 6 weeks of winter we'll have in Orofino. Dad said Mom is crazy, it will be 12 more weeks! That's fine with me, I like my new hat!
Mom and I had to rescue Dad from his last day of work today. He was still on a conference call when we got there at 4 pm. Hey Dad, its time to come home already!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa are Coming!

I got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa today........do you think it is one of those scratch and eat letters?
Wait, Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit us in Orofino over Memorial Day? YIPEE!!!