Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Phone Number

We got our phone hooked up this week. The new number is 208-476-9440. We are hoping to have internet hooked up this Tuesday, March 29th. We are almost completely unpacked and went out exploring some this weekend. We saw turkeys and deer and took a short hike near Dent Bridge on Dworshak Reservoir. Dad heard turkeys gobbling yesterday near the Dam by our house - he's pretty excited. Mom and I weren't there to hear them - I think he might be making it up. Dad also tried steelhead fishing this morning, but the boat motor wouldn't run! Mom and I had to pick him up at the Pink House boat ramp downstream of Orofino after he walked back home! Dad said he watched the other fisherman catch 12 steelhead before he realized the boat didn't work. Wow, Dad, sounds like you should have been fishing with them!

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