Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Emy and I dressed up as monkeys for Halloween.  I love being a monkey, its sooooo much fun.  Mom and Dad dressed up as Zoo keepers - what do zoo keepers do??

I went trick or treating everywhere and got tons of candy!!  I love trick or treating!  Did I mention that they give you candy and more candy and chocolate, and candy, and more candy and whew.....I'm exhausted......can I have another piece of candy for a bedtime snack??????


Emy and I dressed up the day before Halloween to go to daycare!  Everyone loved our costumes!

Oh yeah, and Mom let me dye my hair blue...........can I get my nose pierced next, Mom?


Halloween is almost here!!  I can't wait!  When can we go Trick or Treating!!!

Going Home

We stayed up really late carving pumpkins, but then we had to go home.  Can't we stay all night, Dad?

Carving Pumpkins

We carved pumpkins this weekend at Clayton and Malia's house.  I love carving pumpkins!!!


Dad!  You better get this out of here before Mom sees it!

Playing with Lily

Lily came over to play while Mom went out to brunch with her friends this weekend. We had a blast playing fort in the living room!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emy and I

The leaves are falling!  The leaves are falling!  The leaves are falling!

What's That?

Look!  Is that something on the ground!  Tricked you guys!  hahahaha!


Quick - everyone look away from the camera!


Emy had a blast playing in the leaves today!

Are these Good to Eat?

No Emy!  You can't eat leaves!



Look, now I just need my Prince Charming, Elmo!

Playing with Emy

We play together so well.......sometimes!!!

Uncle Will

Uncle Will got two caribou north of Fairbanks last week.  Dad says we should probably go visit Uncle Will next week.......Mom doesn't seem very excited!

Uncle Will got one caribou with his bow and one with a rifle.  The rifle hunt was 5 miles from the truck, so they had a long pack out!  The archery hunt was closer to the road, but difficult to get close.  What an adventure!

Congratulations Uncle Will!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Pumpkin Patch

We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend.  We had a great time!  I got to pet a turkey, and a duck, and a  chicken, and a goose, and a mule, and a goat, and drink pear cider, and paint a pumpkin, and eat a cupcake, did I mention see a pumpkin and go through a maze?

Halloween Time!


Funny Face, Emmy!

Hmm....what next.........


Unka Jeff

Thanks Uncle Jeff for teaching me this new trick with orange slices!  I put it in my mouth, turned around, and said; "Mom, Mom, Unka Jeff!  Unka Jeff!"

Great trick!  Now where's Mom and Dad's treat?

Dinner Time

Monday, October 8, 2012


Dad got a turkey this morning.  I helped him find them yesterday afternoon, but we couldn't get close enough.  Dad got up really early (before my awake time) and got one!  Woohoo!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sliding with Emy

Decorating for Halloween

Who's That?

Hi Ms. Shadow....where you heading?


Mom and I have been feeding the deer apples in our front yard.  Usually they wait until dark, but this doe and fawns came by yesterday afternoon!

Hunting with Dad

After everyone left to go home to Wisconsin, Dad and I went out to his elk hunting spot to get his treestand and trail camera.  Looks like we weren't the only hunters in this area!