Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Weasel!

Here's the weasel that Dad and I caught with Jeremy yesterday.  I was still pretty cold when we took this picture :-)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Trapping with Jeremy

Jeremy finally caught a weasel today, just before he had to go home.  It was his first ever!

I was excited to see the weasel until I fell off the snowmobile trail and ended up with boots and gloves full of snow.  Then, I just wanted to go back to the truck, because I was sooo "chilly, chilly".

Silly weasel trapping!

Visit from Jeremy and Miranda

Jeremy and Miranda visited this weekend from Hagerman.  Jeremy wanted to catch a weasel and pick up his antelope mount.  Miranda wanted to pick-up some baby clothes for the little girl they are expecting in May.

Dad and Jeremy went fishing a couple of mornings, but didn't catch anything.  Dad claimed he had a steelhead right to the boat and Jeremy couldn't get it netted because the net froze to the side of the boat.  Sounds like a big fish story to me!

James came over to visit on Sunday from Dayton, WA and Jeremy, James, and Dad went looking for wolf tracks on snowmobiles.  They never found any wolf tracks, but they did find some mountain lion tracks.  Jeremy and Dad were going to go snowmobiling on Saturday too, but they broke the pull ropes on two out of the three snowmobiles they borrowed!  After an entire afternoon of repairs, they were ready to go for the next day!

A cold morning of Steelhead fishing

Getting a lift

Gitty up Dad!

Playing with Dad

Dad wanted to play peek-a-boo with me.  What?  You wanted to take a nap instead.......don't be sooo silly Daddy!

Emy's Snack

Emersyn shook her snack cup and crackers fell on the floor.  Well, they almost made it to the floor, but Jetta was there to catch them before they hit.  Emy thought Jetta looked hungry, so she kept shaking more and more out!  Mom!!!  Get Emersyn!


Sitting next to the fire, reading my book.....or maybe just looking at the pictures while telling Mom and Dad a story..........

Inside Playing

It has been cold outside for the past two weeks (low 20's), so we've been playing inside!  I think Emy has cabin fever already!

Blanket for Jetta

Jetta looked sooo cold.  She needs to be covered up too!  Here ya' go Jetta!

Hangin with Dad

Too bad the Packers lost.......we were cheering for them between episodes of Tellitubbies!

Napping with Mom

The best place in the world!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sledding with Dad and Jetta

Dad, Jetta, and I went sledding this weekend.  We had a blast!


Can it be Christmas again?? I miss it already!

Playing in the Snow

Throwing Snowballs

Chasing Dad

Our Snowman


Emy Sleeping.....

Emy Snoring.....

Emy Sleeping Sideways.....

Me sleeping :-)


I am Emersyn, Hear me Roar!

Emy and I

Valentine's Day Pictures

Mom is getting us ready for Valentine's Day.......where's your costume, Dad?

Watching Dad

Emersyn was watching Dad tanning antelope hides.  Silly Daddy!  What are you really doing out there???  Playing hide and seek with Emersyn - hahaha!

Happy New Years!

I finally felt better so I wore the Happy New Year's hat.  What do you mean I can't wear it again for another year????

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bath Time!

Mom let us play with glow sticks during out bath tonight!  We had a ton of fun!

Happy New Year!

I didn't want to wear any of that silly stuff .......I'm not feeling good, remember!

Dad's Taxidermy Projects

Dad was working on taxidermy projects today.....are you ever going to be done with that stuff, Dad?

A walk today

We went for a walk today.  It went well until we got to the top of the dam.  Then I was cold, and Emy was hungry.  Silly Mom and Dad, when we want to go home, we want to go home!!  I had to cry the whole way back home (1.5 miles) just to get my point across!

PS - these pictures were on the way up, not down :-)