Sunday, November 30, 2014

Santa's Message

Santa sent us messages.  I promise I've been good!  Click on the link to see Santa's message.

Our New House

We got a drawing of our new house plans from the builder.  We meet with him on Tuesday to talk about options and budgets........where is my room again???

Xmas Wreath

Dad and Emy made a Christmas wreath from all the branches we trimmed a few weeks ago.  That's a pretty big wreath, Dad!

Hot Dog roast!

Dad's idea of dinner - hot dogs and marshmallows!

Santa's Helper

Can I be an elf at the North Pole?


Putting up the Christmas Tree

Christmas is just around the corner!!  We can't wait!

Thanksgiving Dessert!


Climbing Trees

Don't look down!


Mom made us a special breakfast for Thanksgiving - yummy!!!

After breakfast, we went tree climbing with Dad - that was fun too!

After tree climbing, we went to Daniel's house for lunch.  His Mom made a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner.  My favorite was dessert!

Dance Off!

Our neighbor's old RV deck is our new dance stage!

Best Friends!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Almost Thanksgiving!

We're excited that Thanksgiving is almost here!  Dad found the Christmas decorations tonight.  Tomorrow we're going to put up the tree and make wreaths from all the pine trees that Richie trimmed last week.  Yipee!!! Thanksgiving is a few days away and Christmas is almost here, too!

Dad's Work

Jack Christiansen came down from Orofino to visit Dad this week at work.  Jack was the Aquaculture Engineer at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery.  He gave Dad and the Mora crew lots of ideas on how to make the Hatchery work more efficiently and produce more fish.

Jack took us out to eat at Kristy's Corner Cafe in Mora - it was the first time we'd been there, and it was delicious!


Dad took this picture of the sunrise over the Mora Valley!  Wow!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snowy Day!

Dad and Jetta hiked up to the bench above the Hatchery to look at the snow across the Valley.  Wow!


Brrrrr...............this is cold!!!!!!

Snow Cone!

We made snow cones with icicles - yummy!

Snow Pile!

Jumping in the snow pile with Daisy, Grant and Sammy's dog.

More Snow!