Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom's Turkey

After I called for turkeys for awhile and ate my entire ration of snacks for the afternoon, Dad and I decided to go for a walk. We left Mom back in the blind (where I had done all my calling).

Dad and I found a great blue heron skull. He told me we had to leave it in the woods - fish farmers get in trouble for things like that!

We sat down next to a large tree and realized that it was a heron rookery - Dad's turkey calls didn't make them happy and he was quickly drowned out by the raspy wails.

"Ka-boom!" What was that? Dad loaded me back up in the backpack while the herons flew every direction. We walked back to see Mom.

"I missed", Mom said. She didn't look very happy. Dad tried to cheer her up, but it wasn't working. I decided I could help, so we crawled back in the blind. After about 20 minutes, Mom told us to leave. Dad took me home and gave me a bath. Just as we were getting ready for a bedtime story, the phone rang - it was Mom!

Just after we left, Mom had a hen turkey walk right up to the decoys. Then, from behind the blind, a gobbler flew off the hill and landed right in front her. Mom, was nervous (she'd already missed one turkey), but she held it together and shot the big tom at 10 yards right next to the decoys. After the shot, the turkey rolled down the hill and Mom had to shoot one more time so he didn't get away.

Congratulations Mom! Good thing I called them in for you!

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