Monday, April 23, 2012

More Turkeys!

Dad is usually lucky to get one turkey, but at this point, he and BJ had 3 turkeys!  BJ had one more tag left and wanted to try his luck with a bow.  Dad was skeptical, but agreed to help call.  They didn't go far before they spotted another bird strutting a small rise.  When he worked over the top, they hustled over to his strutting spot.  After only one sequence of calling, he popped over the rise and began strutting at 25 yards. Unfortuntely, he wouldn't turn around so BJ could get his bow drawn back.  After 10 minutes of strutting, the right moment finally happened, he turned around and BJ drew his bow and made a perfect shot at 23 yards.  Nice shot, BJ!

A grand slam in one day - of sorts, of course!

BJ and Dad returned to turkey hunting camp in pretty high spirits to see how BJ's brother, Ty, and Ty's girlfriend, Marissa had fared.  Marissa got her first turkey ever that morning, but they hadn't found much in the afternoon.  BJ and Dad agreed to go out with Ty and Marissa the next morning to video tape their hunting and help call. 

The next morning, they got set-up in a creek bottom with a group of gobblers on each side of them.  Dad said it was straight out of a textbook!  It didn't take long after the groups flew down that they were tripping over themselves to get at the hen purring and cutting in the bottom.  The first group of 4 jakes and 2 gobblers got there first and Ty and Marissa got both gobblers.  Great job, guys!  Unfortunately, BJ's decoy also got caught in the crossfire.  The decoy looks a little more ragged now, but it still they were about to find out...

After the double, the second group of gobblers kept gobbling.  They entire entourage shifted back 50 yards and called in another 5 jakes and 1 gobbler.  Ty made a perfect shot at 20 yards.

Dad was pretty excited, he sent Mom three text messages that morning!  Needless to say, turkey hunting camp didn't last that long this year!

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