Monday, May 31, 2010

My Big Sister

Jetta took turns watching me during our fishing trip. She's such a good big sister! Me, I'm just going to chill in my stroller. That fishing stuff looks like too much work!


We fished at the Malad River. Dad caught 6 trout and one with a jaw tag. We brought that one home to barbecue. It was a beautiful day today, the warmest all spring (75 F).

Fishing Time!

Dad decided we should go fishing this afternoon. Dad and I got ready together. Check out my shades!

My new skills

Dad thought I was going to walk today (Sunday). I don't think I'm ready for that, but I did grab onto my toy (with a little assistance from Dad). It makes noises when you pull on it. Mom was pretty impressed!

Dad Day

I got to hang out with Dad today (Saturday) since Mom had to work. Dad had great plans of all kinds of adventures, but then he realized that feeding bottles, baths, and changing diapers took more time than he thought! Mrs. Nix visited yesterday and brought me some new hats and bibs. Dad decided to dress me in a new hat and pajamas. He said I looked like a circus act, but Mom thought I was cute when she got home!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ashley's Graduation

Mom and Dad took me to Ashley Clifford's graduation tonight. Actually we only made it to the reception. First we went out to eat at the "River Boat" restaurant. They were having Mexican night. Mom and Dad were so excited that they stayed an hour longer than they should have. We made it to the graduation ceremony just as the graduates were marching out. Dad said it was impeccable timing! The reception was great, I slept the whole time. All that oohing and aahing makes me tired!
Tomorrow I go back to daycare while Mom works. I love daycare, lets just hope Mom can handle another day of it! Dad is picking me up tomorrow night for a fish fry at the Fish and Game office. They are going to have fishing seminars on salmon fishing. Dad says there is a record run this year, I'm not sure that Mom is convinced.

Dad is still at war with the rock chucks (marmots). He and Jetta chased them out of the garden again last night. They've eaten all the lettuce and started on the pea plants. So much for the garden production! I thought you were a trapper, Dad!

Michelle and Logan

Michelle and Logan came to visit on Saturday. We had fun. Dad had to work, but the rest of us got to play for the day! Logan's Dad is still in Iraq until September. Michelle is going to bring over a new crayfish trap for Dad to try out for the annual crawfish party. She says Lance won't need it in the desert! Mom and Dad are planning the crawfish party for July this year instead of gambling with the early June weather.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Flower's

Dad picked me flowers this week. Mom couldn't figure out where all her tulips went! Thanks Dad!

My Hunting License

Dad bought me a hunting license yesterday (Thursday). He'd better get my college fund started before Mom finds out how much it cost.

So sleepy

Mom wanted some more pictures of me all dressed up. Mom, I'm tired of pictures, I'm just ready for a nap. Luckily, Dad rescued me and we cuddled up on the couch - thanks Dad!

Josh and Cassie

Josh and Cassie came over tonight (Wednesday) to barbecue. Before the barbecue, Josh and Dad went canoe wrangling (whatever that means). Dad wouldn't give me any food off of his plate, but I gave Mom a guilty look just to get him in trouble!

Feeding Time!

Mom is getting pretty good at feeding me just about anywhere. Here we are in the park. Sure beats sitting in the car!

Grandpa's Dream Catcher

Grandpa gave me a dream catcher before he left. The dream catcher filters my dreams so only my dreams come into my crib. Grandpa explained that dream catchers are usually made by "Grandfather" in Ojibwa tradition. He was pretty excited that Grandpa and Grandfather are a pretty close match. The dream catcher had representative pieces from all four elements; Fire, Water, Air, Earth: The frame was made from Red-Osier Willow, the bark of which is used to make Kinnicinic (tobacco). The "spider" was an ivory tooth from a muskellunge that Grandpa caught. Beneath the dream catcher hangs an eastern wild turkey feather from the gobbler Grandpa got this spring. With the turkey feather hangs several porcupine quills, the porcupine is a protective and gentle animal to help temper my dreams.

On the top of the dream catcher, Grandap included seven beads hanging from deer skin. The seven beads represent the four elements plus the three directions: Upward, Downward, and Inward. The entire dream catcher was wrapped in copper wire, a healing metal.

Now I have the best dreams ever!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bye Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa had to leave already. It seems like they just got here. They say they'll come back in September and they'll be back before I know it. How do I know? September is 3 months away and I'm only 6 weeks old!

Mrs. Brandon and Wesley

Mrs. Brandon and Wesley stopped over to visit before they left to go back to Washington. Wesley got to play with Jetta. I think Jetta was doing more playing then him. Wesley is so big (26 lbs), and he's only 10 months older than me. I hope I grow that big someday!

Tom Knapp

After visiting Shoshone Falls we went to Dairy Queen for a snack and then went to the Tom Knapp shooting extravaganza. Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Will were pretty excited. Mom and Grandma kept my stroller turned the wrong way so I never got to see anything. I did see JJ getting led back to the truck, I she got a little too excited by all the shooting and flying targets!

Mr. Knapp shot 8 clay pigeons at one time, made salad shotgun, played shotgun golf, and even shot his shotgun upside down. It was pretty neat!

Shoshone Trail

We walked around the Shoshone Trail for awhile. Dad took my stroller off roading up the hill. Good thing Grandma and Grandpa got me the BOB stroller. No problems! Dad took another picture of Mom and I from a different vantage. Doesn't Mom know she should bring me sunglasses too?

Uncle Will at Shoshone Falls

Dad took this picture of Uncle Will. Looks like he might jump......good thing JJ is holding onto him! haha!

Shoshone Falls

We had a great time visiting Shoshone Falls. We even saw my first rainbow!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Good Morning!

I slept 5 1/2 hours tonight. Not quite as long as last night (7 hrs), but still enough for Mom to get some sleep. Grandma got to hold me while Mom got some coffee (half and half of course!). Today we are going to see trick shooting extraordinaire, Tom Knapp, in Twin Falls. If he's not any fun, Dad plans on taking us to Shoshone Falls to see the waterfall as a back-up plan. I can't wait to go - when do we leave?

Fish Fry

We had a fish fry tonight (Saturday) and cooked up the trout that Dad, Grandpa, and Jeremy caught yesterday. Dad sent Grandpa and Uncle Will to go catch a few more before dinner, but they got skunked. I thought Grandpa taught Dad everything he knew about fishing! Dad and Grandpa also made some smoked trout and smoked trout spread. It was so good, that Jeremy and Miranda came over to eat too!

Dad and Grandpa even fixed Mom's chair set today. Grandpa said Dad wouldn't win any awards with his welding job. But, he covered it up with some fresh spray paint. Later, no one put together why Jetta had a white stripe down her back. I guess she was trying to fix the chair too!

After dinner, Dad, Uncle Will, Grandpa, and Jeremy all smoked cigars and Mom made me go inside. I thought those cigars were for me, what gives?

Mom's Home

Mommy finally came home. I thought she was only gone a few hours, but she thought she was gone all week. She was so happy to see me. I was happy too, because I was tired of Dad trying to feed me! Dad puts most of the bottle on me instead of in me!

Uncle Will

Uncle Will and his dog, JJ, came this afternoon. Uncle Will is pretty funny. After I played on my back for awhile, he and Dad rolled me over for "Tummy time". Who's idea was tummy time anyhow?

Mom goes back to Work

Mom went back to work today (Saturday), so I got to hang out with Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, and Jetta all day. Jetta chased the sturgeon up and down the bank at the hatchery. Jetta thinks the sturgeon want to play with her!

Grandma and Grandpa

We picked up Grandma and Grandpa from the airport today. We stopped at Carmella winery in Glenns Ferry and then visited the Three Island Crossing museum. I had a really cute grandpa outfit on for the trip, but on the way home I had a really messy one! It spilled out of my diaper, through my shirt, blanket, and finally got caught by my carseat. Dad undressed me over the washing machine!

Ahh, back to my favorite sleeper. Just in time for some Grandma and Grandpa time!

Shower Time!

Dad gave me a bath this morning (Friday) so we could go pick up Grandma and Grandpa. He couldn't figure out all the bath rules, so I took a shower with him instead. Now I'm all clean........for now!

Does this Diaper make my Butt look Big?

Brandi got me this shirt too! She's the best!


Brandi got me a Harley Rockstar bib at the Harley Davidson store. Mom wanted me to pose for this picture without a pacifier. Yeah right Mom!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bottle Time!

Mom has to go back to work on Saturday. That means I get to hang out with Dad and Grandma and Grandpa all day. Mom decided that Dad better try feeding tonight, so I got my first bottle. Dad said that over half ended up in my mouth - he was pretty excited. Mom wasn't so impressed that her hard work pumping was being spilled on the couch!

Blue Eyes

My mom hopes that my eyes stay blue. She says I have my Dad's eyes. We'll see Mom, I might decide to change them to brown!

My Swaddle

Mom and Dad are getting pretty good at swaddling me. Dad really likes my velcro swaddle from the hospital - even he can figure it out. Even though they are getting better, I still like to sneak my arms out of the swaddle every once and awhile - yep, that's me, Harley the Houdini!

Aunt Alanna and Melissa

Aunt Alanna and Melissa came to visit me yesterday. We ate dinner ate the Snake River Grill in Hagerman. Mom even tried the alligator for the second time - it was yummy! Aunt Alanna invited us to Yosemite Park - Mom and Dad are pretty excited to plan a trip there!

Play Time

I tried to reach my toys today. Who hangs things so that baby Harley can't reach them? What kind of infant world is this?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Dad cooked Mom and Brandy french toast for Mother's Day. They were pretty excited. Dad and Steve made a new "Harley" sign for our front porch and gave it to Mom for Mother's day. It's about time - I've been here for 4 1/2 weeks. My two Moms spent the day playing with me before we had to take Brandy back to the airport. I wish she could stay longer, but she has to go back to her daughter. I can't wait till she comes back to visit, maybe she can bring Samantha next time!