Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fish Fry

We had a fish fry tonight (Saturday) and cooked up the trout that Dad, Grandpa, and Jeremy caught yesterday. Dad sent Grandpa and Uncle Will to go catch a few more before dinner, but they got skunked. I thought Grandpa taught Dad everything he knew about fishing! Dad and Grandpa also made some smoked trout and smoked trout spread. It was so good, that Jeremy and Miranda came over to eat too!

Dad and Grandpa even fixed Mom's chair set today. Grandpa said Dad wouldn't win any awards with his welding job. But, he covered it up with some fresh spray paint. Later, no one put together why Jetta had a white stripe down her back. I guess she was trying to fix the chair too!

After dinner, Dad, Uncle Will, Grandpa, and Jeremy all smoked cigars and Mom made me go inside. I thought those cigars were for me, what gives?

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