Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happiest Baby on the Block Class

Mom and Dad took me to the Happiest Baby Class in Twin Falls last night. We were supposed to go before my birthday (End of March), but it got cancelled and we switched to the next class. I was the only baby there - everyone else was still pregnant - hahaha! Being the only baby, I decided to be on my best behavior and slept through the class. Actually, I was just copying Dad, but don't let Mom know that!

The instructor showed the class the importance of swaddling to help calm a baby. Mom and Dad were pretty excited when they realized that Great Aunt Nik, Patty, and Liz had already sent me all the things the instructor was showing us. I don't know if I'm so excited about being wrapped up like a sac of potatoes, but I was so cozy inside the swaddle that I slept a whole extra hour last night (3 instead of 4)! Now I know I'm the Happiest Baby on the Block (especially since I'm the only baby in a 1 mile square radius!)

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