Friday, May 21, 2010

Grandpa's Dream Catcher

Grandpa gave me a dream catcher before he left. The dream catcher filters my dreams so only my dreams come into my crib. Grandpa explained that dream catchers are usually made by "Grandfather" in Ojibwa tradition. He was pretty excited that Grandpa and Grandfather are a pretty close match. The dream catcher had representative pieces from all four elements; Fire, Water, Air, Earth: The frame was made from Red-Osier Willow, the bark of which is used to make Kinnicinic (tobacco). The "spider" was an ivory tooth from a muskellunge that Grandpa caught. Beneath the dream catcher hangs an eastern wild turkey feather from the gobbler Grandpa got this spring. With the turkey feather hangs several porcupine quills, the porcupine is a protective and gentle animal to help temper my dreams.

On the top of the dream catcher, Grandap included seven beads hanging from deer skin. The seven beads represent the four elements plus the three directions: Upward, Downward, and Inward. The entire dream catcher was wrapped in copper wire, a healing metal.

Now I have the best dreams ever!

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