Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Big Push

Mom started pushing around 1:55 am.

Things started out pretty slow. Mom was really itchy and it was distracting her from pushing. Plus, she couldn't feel her contractions because of the injection.

Dad, Laura, Jennifer, and Dr. Robinson tried to coach Mom when to push. Dr. Robinson wanted Mom to push when she felt the contractions. Mom kept asking "now?". Dad remembered Mom's labor with me when the doctor watched the computer screen and told Mom when she was having a contraction. Without being able to feel or see, Mom and Dad were a little confused. In the end, Dr. Robinson knew what she was doing. Until Mom could feel the contractions, she couldn't push effectively.

Unfortunately for Mom, the intrathecal injection started to wear off around 2:15 am. Now, Mom could feel the contractions, but between itching like an ape who wiped with leaves of three, and waiting for directions from her team of four, she still wasn't quite sure.

Fortunately, Dad is a good guesser and figured pushing anytime was better than nothing. At least that's how Dad tells the story. Mom pushed, and pushed again, and pushed harder, and pushed longer, and pushed even when Dad counted to 10 by repeating numbers, and pushed until her faced turned red. Finally, Dr. Robinson could see my baby sister's head, and said, "slow and steady, slow and steady".

At this point, Mom's medication was either worn off or wasn't working. Peaceful, itching, Mom, turned into godzilla Mom. Go Mom!!

Mom pushed and pushed and pushed harder than she had all night. And slowly, but surely my baby's sister's head emerged, until it popped out completely. Dr. Robinson pulled, and godzilla Mom shrieked while baby Emersyn's shoulders got stuck. Dad wasn't any help here, but Dr. Robinson managed to weasel and pull while Mom pushed for all she was worth. Good thing Trent had already left - I think Mom was going to ask for her money back!

Emersyn Marie Wiese was born at 2:36 am after 42 minutes of pushing and just over 6 hours of labor. It was the first and only leap year baby at the Clearwater Hospital.

She weighed 9 lbs 5.5 oz and was 20 inches long. Her head was 14 inches in diameter.

After the delivery, nurse Coral helped clean up baby Emersyn. Laura and Jennifer helped clean the bed and floor. The delivery bed had arrived the day before, and had a few more bells and whistles than the previous model. Fortunately, it all worked out, albeit a little messier than it may be next time!

Dr. Robinson went to work stiching Mom. 9 lb babies don't always come out easily! Unfortunately for Mom, stiches are also painful when your meds have worn off.......did I mention the itching had subsided by now??

Emersyn scored high on her apgar tests and got to go to Mom soon after Dr. Robinson was done. Mom was exhauted and Dad was close behind. By about 5 am, nurse Jennifer took Emersyn to the nursery and Mom and Dad took a nap - Mom on her $16,000 space-age delivery bed, and Dad on a $62 vinyl love seat. Who says Dads' don't get any love?

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