Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mom's Labor

After Mom's trip to the doctor on Tuesday, nothing seemed to happen. Dad and I went weasel trapping with Papa Rick and caught one weasel. We pulled all the traps out of the forest just in case..........

Good thing!! After we got home, Mom started acting funny. About 8pm, Jetta started running around Mom. I woke up and snuck out of my room to see what all the commotion was about. Mom was laughing in the hallway at Jetta and I playing tag. She laughed so hard that she peed her pants!! Now that was funny........!

Hmmm.......but wait, the peeing didn't stop. Mom's water broke!! Dad figured that Jetta and I must have sensed something. Personally, I think he gives Jetta too much credit, I always know everything around this house!

Not long after Mom's water broke, she started having contractions. Mom called the Doctor and they said she could wait about an hour before coming in. Dad drove me over to Lars and Kristen's house. Good thing he left my crib, food, and clothes over there from the doctor's appointment today! Dad kept saying something about lucky turkeys - have you lost it, Dad??

By the time Dad got back, Mom's contractions were only 5 minutes apart. Time to go to the hospital - good thing it was only 5 minutes away!

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