Thursday, April 8, 2010

Labor Contractions

Tina, our nurse, got Mom situated on the bed for the doctor. Mom and Dad went to a suite of eight doctors, so they were never sure who would deliver me. As it turned out, Dr. Smith was on duty, but I already knew that. He's the best one anyhow, with his funny jokes and round-rimmed spectacles; he reminds me of a nutty professor.

Dr. Smith told Mom that her four hours of contractions hadn't dilated her past 1 cm. He suggested rupturing the bag of waters to speed things along. Daddy watched Dr. Smith perform the procedure. He probably shouldn't have, he's pretty queasy about seeing stuff gush out of Mom. But, he didn't completely faint. I think Dr. Smith was impressed because he told Dad he could stay for the rest of the delivery.

After Mom's water was broken, her contractions started coming harder and more often. Mom wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into. The pain was starting to become unbearable. Dad wasn't sure how much longer he could endure. Mom's fingernails were starting to draw blood on his arm.

Thankfully, Tina suggested an epidural and fudged a little on Mom's progress. Epidurals are usually given when Moms are dilated at least 3 cm. My mom was only 2 cm, but Tina helped Mom out. The anesthesiologist put a catheter tube in Mommy's back and pumped in some medical marvels. Mom was in heaven for the first two contractions, but then medication started wearing off. Mom was in more pain than she had been before............

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