Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Birthday!

It's my birthday! I'm two weeks old today! It seems like I was just born yesterday, but guess what; I wasn't! Mom even made my favorite meal today: breast milk spiked with onion diet. That really makes some fun diapers for Dad to change!
My birth announcement was published in the Sunday edition of the Times News in the Stork Report section. Harley Annette Wiese, 7lbs 14 oz, Born April 7, 2010 to Amber Adele Wiese and Nathaniel James Wiese. Yep, I'm official. Now if the federalies would just hurry up with my social security card so Mom and Dad can start a 529 plan for my college education! I'm planning on going to University of Alaska Anchorage for at least 7 years (that's my lucky number by the way)! Ahh, for now I'll settle for just being so darn cute, my paperwork can, harley.

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